Bloomberg Would Run Hillary as his VP – He Must Want to Commit ‘Suicide’ Under Mysterious Circumstances

Steve MacDonald

Saying you want Hillary to be your Vice-Presidential running mate is a lot like saying you support assisted suicide. I would have said death with dignity, but I doubt that departure will be dignified. So, the mere muttering of such a thing might be proof of mental illness.

Everyone knows Hillary would kill to be President. Heck, she let people die to be Secretary of State. The truth about Benghazi could have (should have) harpooned Obama’s reelection. That would leave her flat-footed for a run in 2016 if President Romney manages to not be as bad at it as his predecessor.

None of that happened except for the people dying. A thing that tends to happen to those in the orbit of the Clintons. Far too often to be incidental. Even Mike Bloomberg has to have some suspicions. But he tossed her name out anyway. Why?

Drudge claims Bloomberg polling found the combination would be considered a “formidable force.”

If Bloomberg can buy the nomination. He can afford it. And if there is a contested convention (which sounds likely) anything is possible. But there’s a Yuge problem. Clinton has more baggage now than in 2016. While his polling may find them formidable if they don’t take into account all the new dirt being piled up at her door she will bring him down.

Unless he does that too himself. Which seems more likely. He clearly has a death wish.

| Red State


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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