Bow Public School, Free Speech Suppression,’The Streisand Effect,’ and Getting Sued

Steve MacDonald

A local High school banned parents from attending games for wearing pink wristbands with two Xs. The school reportedly stopped the game and had them escorted out.

[W]hen several parents showed up to watch Tuesday night’s soccer game between Bow and Plymouth Regional High School wearing pink armbands as symbols of support for girls-only sports, those same officials sprang into action. They stopped the game, demanded the pink armbands be removed, and issued police-enforced “No Trespassing” orders against at least two parents.

Irony Alert. The School District disrupted the game to confront peaceful, polite parents engaged in a quiet objection. Why? Because “wearing the pink armbands violates school policy against “threatening, harassing, or intimidating…any person.” …. the armbands (also) violate its policy “that no person shall ‘impede, delay, disrupt or otherwise interfere with any school activity.’”

Isn’t that what the school did? They disrupted and interfered in the school activity to draw attention to something many would not have noticed. It’s the Streisand Effect. Now everyone knows. The story is going to go national. Pink wristbands for all parents and friends of safety in girls’ sports! [You can order a larger qty with this link]

Just add two black Xs, and you’re good to go.

And Bow is the next poster child for overreacting irrational snowflakes who forget they are supposed to honor and protect other people’s right to free speech.

Dare I say, Cherish?

The parents are concerned about safety and sports injuries, and they (reportedly) wore or shared these wristbands with supportive parents who think biology matters in such contests. No one yelled, shouted, or made a fuss (there also appears to be video proof), but the snowflakes deemed the wristbands disruptive.

Kimberly Allan, the Mom’s For Liberty Chair for Hillsborough County, NH, sent me this.

The recent actions taken by Bow School District against parents for expressing their support for girls’ sports through wearing pink armbands are deeply concerning. As the Chairman of Moms For Liberty – Hillsborough County, I am appalled by the blatant disregard for parental rights and the chilling effect such actions have on free speech.

It is essential that we, as a society, recognize and respect the fundamental right of parents to advocate for their children without fear of retribution. The decision to issue a temporary ‘no trespass’ order against these parents not only undermines their ability to engage in their children’s education but also sends a dangerous message to other parents who may wish to express their views.

Now, more than ever, we must stand together and defend the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s education. We call on Bow School District to reconsider their decision and recognize the critical role that parents play in shaping the future of our society. Let us continue to support and empower parents to make their voices heard without fear of consequence.

I have news for Bow if it doesn’t think it’s getting sued. It is almost guaranteed. This First Amendment abuse is so blatant people will line up to help sue them.

I suppose the question has to be, do the snowflakes even care? No qualms about wasting taxpayer money or putting their bond at risk, defending their impulsive, unconstitutional partisan nonsense. Are they so blinded by their self-importance and false outrage they can’t see it?

They will shortly, and it’s going to hurt a little more than ignoring people quietly watching a game wearing pink wristbands and two Xs on them.

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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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