Bow Public School, Free Speech Suppression,’The Streisand Effect,’ and Getting Sued

A local High school banned parents from attending games for wearing pink wristbands with two Xs. The school reportedly stopped the game and had them escorted out. [W]hen several parents showed up to watch Tuesday night’s soccer game between Bow and Plymouth Regional High School wearing pink armbands as symbols of support for girls-only sports, … Read more

Gunstock Resort Logo

Gunstock Mountain Resort – Do You Know What the Streisand Effect Is?

I’ve been doing some digging into Gunstock Mountain Resort (there, that should catch the attention of their Critical Mention service!) which is also known as the Gunstock Ski Area (or just plain “Gunstock”).  While presenting themselves to the public as a “ski company”, they really are just a mere political subdivision of Belknap County which, … Read more

Dartmouth College logo dpine_lockup

Dartmouth College Can’t Get Its Facts Straight And Are About to Experience the Streisand Effect

So which is it, Dartmouth College Associate Vice President for Communications Diana Lawrence (no picture on her Dartmouth page – wonder why (not!)) and Anna Hall, the Dartmouth Senior Assistant Dean for Student Life?

The Streisand Effect

Nashua “RTK Coordinator” Jesse Neumann Forgot About the Streisand Effect …Part 2

Yep, in Part 1, we shared an email from Jesse Neumann who is the Nashua City Hall “Right To Know” Coordinator. Imagine that, a city of 90,000 people needs such a guy.

The Streisand Effect

Nashua “RTK Coordinator” Jesse Neumann Forgot About the Streisand Effect …

Mr. Jesse Newmann, the Nashua Mayor’s “Right To Know Fixer” has a hair across his posterior. We used his balding brow image from his public LinkedIn account on two posts on GraniteGrok. He seems to think we needed his permission to use it but we seem to think otherwise.

Yes, Steve, the Manchester Democrats really do hate Rich Girard AND lawyer Karen Hewes invokes the Streisand Effect

MANCHESTER — An attorney representing a Manchester High School Central senior has sent a letter to At Large school board member Rich Girard, requesting he stop discussing her publicly or during meetings or face legal action, after he contacted her through a district-operated student email account regarding an opinion piece she authored in a student newspaper. The … Read more

Bernie’s lawyers apparently never heard of the Streisand effect

And I thought Socialists were against the Right to Private Property?  Seems like someone wants to defend Bernie’s Intellectual Property (a very important part of Private Property)?  From Overlawyered we see some lawyers haven’t figured out that the Internet has a vote in all this.  IMHO, this should be a flat out free speech issue, … Read more

Where upon Jan Glassman enters The Streisand Effect Room

From our ABOUT page:  “Anything that amuses us is game!”.  Yes, I can get amused. From our FAQs page: EMAIL Look in the Contact Us to email us. Anything you send is fair game for us and we may use it on the site. Steve had a post up back last week: Is Belknap County … Read more

A NH Version of “The Streisand Effect”

Well, we have two “gentlemen” from the southern part of the state who obviously do not understand Free Speech and how blogs work.  They have also decided to raise a fuss given actions in the last election.  What is “The Streisand Effect” you ask?  Well, as these two are about to find out, it is a blogger’s … Read more


Should We Call it the Feinstein Effect?

You’ve heard of the Streisand Effect. Wikipedia defines it as “a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely.” Streisand sued a photographer working on a coastal erosion project for posting a picture of her home online. Before Babs outrage, six … Read more

Trump Campaign ad - Biden supports newcomers - really illegal aliens

Another Example of Big Tech Putting Both Left Thumbs on the Electoral Scale

A few months back, Google decided that a Trump campaign ad was a walking “policy violation” and yanked it. I think Google should use itself to look up the definition of the “Streisand Effect.” The takedown inspired many a right-side site to post that very same Trump Ad, which earned it a lot more eyeballs … Read more

Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light big enough for featured image

Dylan Mulvaney’s Inner Trans-Authoritarianism Reveals Itself – Off With Your Head If You Call “He/Him/Prancing Dufus”

Bolder and stupider, this guy gets. Yes, that gay guy that has made millions from endorsements (for “celebrating 365 of womanhood”) from corporations seeking to up their ESG (Equity, Social, Governance) score. 

Pete Buttigieg Norwich Bulletin pic no longer found

FUNNY! This Young Lady Warms the Cockles of My Heart; The More Mature (?) DOT Press Secretary, Not So Much

OK, I’ve got tons of stuff built up, and this is back from February when “Pothole Pete” (his nickname from his time as Mayor of South Bend, IN) finally deigned to visit E. Palestine where the train wreck (HIS area of expertise) disaster happened.

Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Part 3 – Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican – The Slander Edition, Thad?

Well, well, it seems that Thad Riley isn’t enjoying the attention we have given him as this NH GOP Executive Board member (Assistant Secretary) since he decided that being a “Republican Role Model” isn’t part of the job description.  Or that he can do what he wants given the “So what, what are they going … Read more

Elle Gallo

Failed Democrat Candidate Demands I Censor A Grokster Who Wrote About Her – Fat Chance!

It was Stephen Scaer’s post about Elle Gallo that got her “copyright demand panties” in a wad. Once again, we see that yet another “transgender activist” can’t STAND that someone has an opinion that varies from theirs.  Go ahead and read Stephen’s post and then come back. I’ll wait… So now, having read Stephen’s post, … Read more

Deb Altschiller Patch

Yep, Steve Was 100% On Point about “Hip Check” Debra Altschiller: “On a Positive Note, I Think She Snaps Like a Twig When You Bring It Up.”

And she did. Bigly. That Moral Superiority bit and all.  Remember, “Hip check” was the one that decided she had the Moral Superiority to give Grokster and friend Susan Olsen a “hip check” into a table when no one else was looking while people were packing up from an NH House hearing (I was there … Read more

Doug with hoodie on FB page 1 cropped FI

Ok Doug Lambert, from Now On, I Won’t Use the Phrase “(of DGF Industrial)” Anymore but You’re Still Gonna Have Some Explaining to Do

No, not to me, but to someone else.  I know that Jade Wood has been ticked with a nickname that she really hates.  Now, it wasn’t me who gave it to her – I’ve not gone after her much (other than finding the checkerboard) ESPECIALLY when contrasted with her words about Peter Ness and Dr. … Read more

Gary Kiedaisch - Gunstock Area Commission

Did Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch Really Believe That Chair Peter Ness Would Do as He Demanded about GraniteGrok?

I mentioned this email by GAC Commish Kiedaisch complaining about GraniteGrok during the last segment of GrokTALK! (YAY! We’re BACK!) that we recorded last Monday (with special guest Rob Russell of 2A Tactical who is also suffering from similar political action in Barrington).

voting booth

It’s Almost Town Meeting Time in NH – And Petition Warrant Article Machinations Have Already Begun

Here in New Hampshire, we have the old style town meetings where everyone in a town gets together to hammer the final budgets for the town and schools spending. There’s generally a bunch “warrants” (or articles or questions) about all kinds of sundry things like appropriating money for new equipment like police or fire vehicles, … Read more

Greg Gutfeld Andy Ngo Dartmouth

Bad PR – Greg Gutfeld Features the Andy Ngo Dartmouth College Event Cancellation

It’s nice to see that the Right side of the blogosphere covering how Dartmouth College Administration caved to Northeast Antifa and the Dartmouth Anarchists Heckler’s vote by canceling the College Republicans’ event with Andy Ngo and Gab Nadales.