Strafford County New Hampshire Superior Court Judge John M. Lewis has struck down a requirement that out of state students declare domicile in New Hampshire if they want to vote here and in the process has undercut the purpose of voter ID–to ensure that people who vote on local issues and who elect representatives who control our tax dollars have skin in the game. As far as Judge Lewis is concerned voting is not about a commitment to New Hampshire.
Judge Lewis has also just declared that anyone who wants to vote on proposed amendments to New Hampshire’s state constitution–of which there are several this year–may do so even if they will not declare domicile in the state for any purpose other than to vote on our laws. They may vote to change our Constitution, but under no circumstances may we require them to adhere to any other laws of domicile in our state. Really?
What exactly is the point of asking the people of New Hampshire to decide questions on the foundation of state law if a Judge can just decide that we have to let people from outside the state, who clearly do not want to be required to follow New Hampshire law, the opportunity to meddle with it?
Judge Lewis has just stuffed the New Hampshire ballot box with the out of state influence of transients.
Honorable my ass.