This has nothing to do with contraception everything to do with the governments role in mandating it.

Steve MacDonald

Progressives only look across the scope of human history for propaganda.  They have no interest in the connection between yesterday, today, and certainly not tomorrow.  They are only concerned with the distance between what their spleen tells them today (grow government), and how to do that and still get through their next re-election.  Which is why, in responding to a comment to my post, Beggars CAN be Choosers, I made this point…(paraphrased)

If, during the arguments for Griswold v. Connecticut, you suggested that seeing a right to privacy in the constitution would just a few years later result in the legal practice of live birth abortion, people would have called you crazy.  And yet it happened.  Griswold begot Roe, Roe begot the abortion industry, which begot letting living breathing babies die at birth.  The right to privacy somehow resulted in legal murder.

So when a ringer like Sandra Fluke plays the victim, asking the government to mandate that insurance pay for contraception, even when there is some exemption for this or that person or group who might object, the people getting the exemption have every right to be nervous.  (The same way people getting Obamacare waivers should be nervous,)  And given that the people Fluke represents are actively seeking a government run single payer health care program at the the same time, it should seem obvious that the progressive opinion is mandatory coverage of whatever they want to cover, when they want it, and the taxpayers get the tab.

But we don’t have to wait for single payer.  If the left got it’s way on contraception, even with exemptions, anyone paying premiums on any policy would already be covering the cost of those contraception mandates on other peoples policies.  This is no mystery, not even to progressives.  They know who will have to pay, and they snicker in their hands and wink at each other while the majority of Americans are unaware.  Unaware that they are already paying, to some degree, for every bit of coverage the government has mandated already.  Unaware that the woman, Sandra Fluke, assuming she even is a woman, or will continue to want to be one,  is a professional agitator who would also like mandatory insurance coverage of sexual reassignment surgery.  (/whisper -“She may want to talk about that later.”)

And if we find a way to Obamacare and then single payer, you will be paying for sex change operations with either your premiums or your tax dollars, and who knows what might be next.  But the left is planning on you not caring enough about now or some silly debate about condoms or birth control pills to worry about that.   And once they have that, they will find something else to want, which you will be required to pay for, until you are paying for everything for everyone else.  That is how you get to a15 trillion dollar deficit and that extra few trillion on the annual budget in just a few years.

This has nothing to do with contraception everything to do with the governments role in mandating it.  Everything is  connected, and every step the central government takes towards accumulating more power is one you may never get back.  And if you fail to take notice or to care until they finally get to something that is important to you, by then it will probably be too late.


H/T – The other McCain- Sandra Fluke


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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