Well, This is Brilliant!

Steve MacDonald

We’ve no shortage of debunking on these pages when it comes to the hyperbolic prognostications of climate cultists. These are people whose gambling advice you’d best not take unless you know your bet is backstopped by endless federal grants to friends and family, who then fund their re-election campaigns to keep the cycle of fiscal abuse running at full speed.

They lie, deflect, defer, or call you named. Denier! Anti-Science! But as observed by great historical thinkers like Aaron Rigers, “If science can’t be questioned, it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda, and that’s the truth.” You don’t need to get knocked on your head a thousand times to know this. That which cannot be questioned by definition is not science. That’s the point. Questions. Observations. Theory, testing, and then challenging the results.

Related: How Could Our Monkey Ancestors Have Colonized Much of the World During the Hothouse of the PETM, if All That Global Warming Damaged Their Food Supply?

Here’s a great example.

If you don’t want to click “show more,” the entire text is unrolled below.

Let’s take walk. . .

Climate alarmists insist that the Earth is “too hot,” and that it is dangerous since it supposedly causes the weather to be scarier and the state of human welfare to deteriorate.

So, the best follow-up question to that is, “What is the correct global mean surface temperature (GMST) to the nearest tenth of a degree Celsius?”

Obviously, if the Earth were overheating, then there should be a correct value for the GMST.

Yet, when I ask this question, I’m always told by the alarmist arm-wavers that it is a disingenuous question because there is no correct GMST.

That’s odd considering that the IPCC has arbitrarily chosen +1.5°C relative to the pre-industrial baseline as the threshold before we reach a “tipping point” beyond which there is irreversible damage to the ecosystem. If that were true, then there is a correct GMST. So, today class, we have learned two very important things:

➊ The IPCC’s +1.5°C target was plucked out of thin air and has no scientific value; it is a political goalpost.

➋ There is no hard line of evidence which suggests that the planet is “too hot,” or is headed into dangerous territory for life on Earth. There is no evidence that warming is [or will be] dangerous.

Sleep well tonight!

We’ve shown that the arbitrary x.x degrees C targeting is a fool’s errand and wholly irrelevant, but I like the way Chris Martz breaks this out. The tipping point is not the temperature or the climate it is the public tolerance for decades of abuse by a cadre of charlatans shaking them down.

We’ve not reached it yet, but may be as close as ever. The cost of everything has made the cost of their solutions so unaffordable that it has knocked at least a few folks out of the climate trance the’ve been living in.

Only a few million more to go, but I hope Chris’ observation helps.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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