Oct. 7 Anniversary – Israel: “Whoever Comes, Whoever It Is… I’ll Kill Them. I’ll Kill Them All!” 


While that line is from John Wick Chapter 2 (which is one of the very few movie series that I’ll sit and watch over and over again – I generally don’t “do” movies EVER), I think that is the longer version of the Jewish rally cry of “Never again!” The Jewish nation will never accede to its enemies when it comes to that instant of time when Jews are threatened with total annihilation.

That day arrived again on Oct 7, 2023, when the Jew Haters/Murderers, otherwise known as Hamas, decided to attack a bunch of innocent festival attendees and tortured and killed 1,200. The intent of Hamas, a proxy terrorist group entrenched in the Gaza Strip (along with Hezbollah most located in Lebanon) was to invoke yet another Middle Eastern war on Israel that would kill all the Jews – “From the river to the sea”. For the geolocational illiterates, that would be from the River Jordon to the Mediterranean Sea – essentially wiping Israel off the map.

Total destruction – Holocaust 2.0. That was the intent. That was the desired outcome. Hamas, with the same military instincts as Putin assuring the Russian people that his “special military operation” to take back Ukraine as part of the former Soviet Union, thought it would unleash a war joined by Egypt, Syria, Jordon, Lebanon (with Hezbollah), Fatah (West Bank), Iraq, and Yemen.

I am glad to say, on the one-year anniversary of that attack, that Hamas got the military equivalent of “Hold my beer.” Hamas had gotten lazy – the Jews decided to “Never Again” give in to appeasement-driven Israel Haters in the Biden (and previous) administrations who said, “calm down.” Just like misogynistic response to scantily clad women who get dragged down a dark alley – “they asked for it.”

One good thing is that Hamas finally united the various political factions (mostly) in Israel that decided that Hamas was going to be the entity that was going to get wiped out – and carried out a determined response “…of focus, commitment, sheer will” (again, another John Wick movie quote (screenrant.com). And it decimated its enemy.

Sidenote: Hamas, both militarily and in its complete control of the Gazan government, showed what cowards they were by embedding themselves right next to civilians and civilian infrastructure – they cared more for the PR war than the lives of their children and fellow Gazans. I feel sorry for the children, but since the vast majority of Gazan adults support Hamas, they share in their own destruction.

Hezbollah has been doing raids into northern Israel for decades and shooting rockets as well. And Mossad invoked its “Operation Grim Beeper” (and walkie-talkies) and took out many of Hezbollah top terrorists and leaders. By killing off Hezbollah’s communication pathways, it started killing off its military assets and militants in Lebanon and continued to kill Hamas leaders as well.

Never again.

I am in favor of the measured responses that Israel has taken given the existential threats that these players (financed by Iran who was financed by the Obama and Biden administrations – remember those pallets of wrapped-up cash sitting in Iran?).

Kill them all.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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