Ivermectin vs. Fertility vs. Proglodyte Narratives

Steve MacDonald

The wonder drug Ivermectin continues to prove that safe, affordable treatments with wide-ranging secondary uses are a threat to the public health industrial complex. They dissed it using the China Virus to justify injecting millions with dangerous lipid nanoparticles. And Ivermectin has recently come under fire after a suggestion that it might help fight inflation and cancer. And now it has been targeted as a threat to human fertility.

As Dr. Tess Lawrie notes (paraphrasing), why isn’t this desirable to the depopulationists? If Ivermectin is dangerous in general and to fertility in particular, “Why aren’t we being embraced into the globalist fold and showered with Gates’ money and media coverage?” And for all the fearmongering,

Having been given billions of times worldwide, ivermectin clearly hasn’t managed to wipe us out yet so doesn’t seem to be a very good genocidal tool if it is such. Through our air, food and water, there are many more direct ways the globalists can harm and are harming us. In addition, they’re angling for more and forced lipid nanoparticle (LNP) biotech products to be given by our governments to us in the guise of ‘vaccines’.

The mRNA injections are not just a provable threat to fertility. The Pfizer docs demonstrate that Big Pharma and the FDA knew they were (and are). It is no surprise or no secret. Whether you believe that was the point or not might change when you learn that most of these difficulties occurred in Western countries. Yes, the “we hate white people coalition” somehow managed to jigger the pandemic response such that the majority of fertility issues from medical interventions occurred in the white western population.

If Ivermectin were as dangerous to fertility as they say, we’d be getting it in the mail and told to take it like a multivitamin. As it turns out, the question is still open. The only study cited gave rabbits twenty times the necessary dose (dosing is based on body weight) for 56 days. What was interesting is that this dangerous substance we had to avoid – given in mass quantities – didn’t kill them. The rabbits, by all accounts, are fine. It did make them less fertile for a while, but that appears to wear off when you stop overdosing them. However, no one seems to have had any interest in knowing that for certain.

Such is the quality of hit-piece media-narrative research. Should it be necessary, we will find it cited to scare people who fight for reproductive freedom (but insist you get the latest COVID booster). A study that proves Ivermectin is incredibly safe, which they’ll never mention.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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