GOP DEBATES ON CNN CRUSH OBAMA’S TOWN HALL RATINGS: “The President’s two hour-long appearance with Anderson Cooper on Thursday managed 2.4 million viewers. In comparison, a staggering 23.1 million people tuned in for CNN’s GOP debate in September.”
I wonder what Obama thought (“Gack, I’m losing to THOSE losers??”). Not exactly an ego booster to the Ego-In-Chief, eh? But not to worry, he’ll convince himself that he wasn’t to blame.
True, this was not a Prez debate (which the Dems are losing the ratings war there as well, but it seems like design to protect Hillary) but this is one of THOSE issues that drives the Left (civilian disarmament, that is). But it could be a portend of elections to come – of last night’s ratings for Obama’s Town Hall, how many were gun owners (no, I didn’t watch or DVR it) that would never, ever vote for him but are thinking they’d better vote as Hillary wants to push disarmament further, faster, and deeper. And if it was that low, is the DNC going “hey, we’re gonna be shooting blanks” come election returns?
(H/T: Instapundit)