Tank war

Hitler was Literally Putin

In a recent conversation in which I pointed out that the war in Ukraine was a contest between the first and second most corrupt governments in Europe, the other participant retorted, “So?”

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FDR Wheelchair

FDR, Collusion, and Impeachment

In 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt sought an unprecedented third term as President. But while his first two elections were landslides, the political landscape had changed. Americans were inherently troubled by the notion of an entitled presidency and a measure of “Roosevelt fatigue” set in.

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Book Recommendation: With The Old Breed

I made a mistake.  Last week, November 4th, was the 89th birthday of a soldier that forever changed the way I think about war. Eugene  B. Sledge served in the Pacific in World War II. He was a private, a grunt, a jarhead marine. He slogged his way through rancid, fetid sludge in scorching heat … Read more

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