Blue collar Reality shows – paragons of capitalism. Listen to them over our President.

by Skip

Anti-Collective, Anti-“we’re better together”, Anti-“you succeed only when we all succeed”  (and all that other crapola) rant.

So Bill ayers wakes up, wishes to blow up capitalism, fails, goes to bed and then does it again the next day. I guess I’m complicit in his scheme – at least in part. Like Bill here, I am one of those that is helping to collapse part of the capitalist scheme – but only the part I don’t care for.  I hardly evah watch the “old” networks – ABC,  CBS, or NBC and it is showing in their downward ratings. Instead, its the reality programs.  No, nothing like the Kardashians or the fashion shows.  Instead, it’s the logging shows, the crabbing shows, trucking, fishing, gold mining and the like.

You know, the ones that actually love capitalism.  They realize – no work, no pay.  If they are sitting around, no money is getting into their pockets. Each one has to work on their own or in voluntary teams, to get the job done.  They aren’t factory or ofice jobs where the pay is by the hour or the bi-weekly salary check.  There’s no living  off someone else’s sweat – it’s their sweat that determines  success or failure. You have to salute the inventor shows, the Shark Tank shows where people keep after their dreams, hoping and praying that their time, talent, and hard work AND THEIR WILLINGNESS TO DELAY INSTANT GRATIFICATION will finally pay off.

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Socialism’s Assault on Religion vs. Industry as Virtue

The Marxist/secularist assault on religion is well documented and continues today on many fronts.  But one of the reasons for attacking Religion in the first place, is that the foundations of the Puritan/Protestant faith–in America at least–never viewed material success as an obstacle to spiritual salvation.  In fact they encouraged it.

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Prepare For The Barakaclypse

Every one of these was or is a left wing campaign to make leftist dogma look like centrist mantra. They exist to streamline progressive/socialsit thought into mainstream thinking. But they failed and so the latter iterations have become more destructive. Each “movement” has gotten progressively more unruly, progressively more violent.

Do You Beleive In Warrenism?

The Elizabeth Warren notion of who paid for what is no different than the public union employees who cry “but we pay taxes too?”  

Really?  If we stopped paying taxes, how would you pay yours?  How would you pay for anything?  (Hint: You’d have to work in the real world.)

Public employees can only pay their taxes after we pay them with ours.  It is like an allowance and subject to the same rules.  If we no longer feel we need or can afford to provide for it, we can choose to stop.

So nothing exists in government (including public sector paychecks, roads, bridges, or US Senatorial lifestyles for those wishing to aspire to them) unless someone else first earns something or creates something that they are willing to exchange for something done by government. 

Warrenism and left wing class warfare, however,  turns the relationship upside down.

Warrenism states that those receiving the allowance will not only define how much and how often they are paid (under threat of intimidation, public humiliation, lawsuits, and even imprisonment), they will also decide how it is to be spent and who and what will benefit. The problem with this scenario is that, as has often been said, you eventually run out of other peoples money So Warrenism is actually just another form of economic suicide that ends the way every other socialist hissy-fit has ended; in misery or violence, or more likely plenty of both.

No matter what happens Elizabeth Warren and the left wing elites will be fine.  That should tell you something about who they are and what they really care about.  Power.

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