The Democratic Party once upon a time claimed representation of the working class. More Americans are seeing that this reputation is long gone. Barack Obama bailed out Wall Street and backed Monsanto – the exact opposite of what he promised. Joe Biden-Brandon promised to be a uniter.
Masking Creates Toxic Health Impacts …
In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, confusion surrounded many medical issues related to a scary, novel disease. Travel restraints, quarantines, mortality rates, treatment modalities, and a vortex of complex issues confronted an anxious American public told ubiquitous masks were a necessary prophylactic pending the arrival of a vaunted new vaccine to rescue humanity.
More Confusion/Delay Ahead for Carbon Credit Banking Scheme
My last article highlighted the fact that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is only now beginning to contemplate how to write the rules regarding how Vermonters can retroactively “bank” so-called “Clean Heat Credits” back to January 1, 2023, and continue to bank them until the Clean Heat Standard goes fully into effect sometime in 2025.
Ethical Dilemmas About Killing an Animal for Climate
California and other states (and many nations) have enacted laws to regulate “ethical” treatment of animals in agriculture. This trend accompanies modern jurisprudence shielding domestic pets and criminalizing animal cruelty. Advocates for animal welfare legislation, such as PETA, invoke claims of “animal rights” — but these same groups call for boycotts on products made from … Read more
Bill Gates Eyes ‘Friendly’ Mosquitos
Bill Gates extolls the potential benefits of genetically modified mosquitos in a recent blog. The clever technology may indeed prove beneficial, but Bill Gates has his fingers (and money) stuck in so many technological marvels that risks of error surely mount.
The Entity Charged With Implementing a Carbon Credit System Has No Idea How To Do It
The legislature passed the Clean Heat Standard (S.5) into law in the Spring of this year (over the governor’s veto) with a provision that Vermonters can start banking the so-called “Clean Heat Credits” – earned by installing heat pumps, insulating buildings, etc. – retroactive to January 1, 2023.
Wildfires and Climate Change: What the Alarmists Aren’t Doing – And What They Aren’t Telling Us.
As with all things environmental, climate alarmists conclude that current wildfires are more evidence of greenhouse gas warming. This must be clarified, as human activities other than driving cars or rearing cows impact these terrible disasters. Appropriate preventive policies are dependent on an accurate diagnosis of cause. The knee-jerk “the sky is falling” pathos furthers … Read more
Tennis Courts and the War in Ukraine: A Climatic Comparison
The tiresome trend of self-righteous climate activists gluing themselves to treasured works of art to “protest” against fossil fuels and anthropomorphic climate change recently extended to the US Open, where tennis was condemned via the gluing of footwear to the tarmac.
How the Pandemic Shutdown Affected Student Performance: Vermont (part 3 of 8)
The prevailing narrative is that the pandemic shutdowns affected student performance in public schools. As seen in our prior two articles, data from the Croydon, NH Village School, and statewide data from the New Hampshire Student Assessment System (NHSAS), the National Assessment of Educational Progress test do not support this narrative.
Meet the Doctor Who’s Fighting the COVID Oppression Machine
An unassuming 72-year-old Maine physician named Meryl Nass has gripped the COVID-19 misinformation bull by its poisoned horns. Maine’s physician licensing board suspended her from practicing in a blatant push to silence her right to free speech in a medical field in which Meryl holds special expertise.
The “Expand the Supreme Court” Letter Is a Call for Insurrection.
As we approach Constitution Day on September 17, eighteen Vermont elected officials, including our Lieutenant Governor, signed a shocking letter calling for the expansion of the U.S. Supreme Court by four members. Signing this letter should disqualify them all from holding any public office, not for the idea of expanding the Court – there’s nothing in the Constitution stipulating the number of members the Court has to have – but for the reasons they put forward for the change.
The Extinction of Mid-Size American Farms Hurts You
The consolidation of smaller farms into sprawling industrial food-rearing facilities has been witnessed by a largely unaware or uncaring society. Americans rallied to save the bald eagle and the spotted owl but have mustered little more than a platitudinal Farm Aid concert to reverse the decimation of the nation’s food-producing backbone. However, failing to save … Read more
The Histrionic Follies of Volcano Deniers
Many Americans who are receptive to the possibility that human activities are warming the globe may invoke the motto of the Show Me State when asking alarmists to share what is never shown – evidence.
Social Justice Policing Replaces Law Enforcement
Many Americans are shocked by proposals to reduce police protection while opioid deaths skyrocket, borders are flung wide, and urban businesses are trashed and ransacked on national TV as political protests.
Another Example of Climate Hysteria Leading to Dumb, Misguided Policy
Wasting money on electric buses when what we need is school bus drivers. Vermont has a school bus driver shortage. We have for years. Google “Vermont School Bus Driver Shortage” (as I did for this story), and the number of news hits you get is astounding. I was looking for “a” story I recently read … Read more
A Populist Slogan Obscures Bad Policy
In the aftermath of recent record flooding in Vermont, Republican Governor Phil Scott announced a state program to sell uplifting license plates, bearing the simple message “Vermont Strong” to affix to the front of vehicles. Vermonters soon will be able to purchase these plates to express solidarity and a rebuilding spirit. But does the messaging mask awful policy?
When A School Board Member Actually Puts Kids First
Curt Hier, a public school history teacher and debate coach for thirty-five years who now runs a business helping students get into college, was elected to the Slate Valley School Board this past March. Hier’s background gives him more insight into the actual workings of the public school system than the average school board member … Read more
America’s Farmerless Farming Future?
Farmers have steadily declined as a share of the American workforce since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, undermined by technological advances, regulatory strictures, and industry consolidation in farming.
Is NASA Just Another Biden/Harris Social Justice Agency?
At an Aug. 14 news conference, NASA and other experts proclaimed that, according to “clear science,” current record-high temperatures are attributable to human activity. Yet NASA did not present any scientific evidence to demonstrate a connection between current warm temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions and ignored the massive non-anthropomorphic impact of last year’s record-breaking under-ocean volcano.