The constitutional and economic ramifications of California’s Proposition 12, which banned the sale in California of pork from pigs held in tight confinement, are profound for the American swine industry.
Does Paying Flood Victims to Get Cars That Explode When Wet Make Sense?
Following the recent flooding throughout Vermont this summer, the state very proudly touted a response program that offers victims who lost or suffered damage to their cars the opportunity to replace them with an electric vehicle. Not an internal combustion engine vehicle, just an electric vehicle.
Cow and Horse Flatulence: A Farmer’s Comparative Environmental Assessment
The problem of horse flatulence is not often discussed, yet there are important lessons to be learned from equine methane gas (via flatulence or burp), particularly to demonstrate the fraudulent claims leveled against cows as major polluters.
If You Really Care About Donald Trump, Don’t Let Him Be the Republican Nominee
Many Donald Trump supporters I have had conversations and interactions with share an intense feeling of being cheated over what took place in 2020 that can only be assuaged by running – and this time winning – a Trump/Biden rematch in 2024.
“Gold Standard” Study Shows Charter Schools Outperform Public Schools
Ten years ago, I took part in a series of debates on school choice opposite Paul Cillo of the Public Assets Institute and Bill Mathis of the National Education Policy Center and the Vermont State Board of Education. I was for school choice; they were opposed.
Biden Won’t, and Was Never Going to, Be the Democrats’ Nominee
We are just over a week away from the first Republican primary debate, and Donald Trump was out there bragging how he’ll thrash Joe Biden this time. Candidate Nikki Haley is waving the flag that the real opponent they’re all running against is Vice President Kamala Harris, as Biden is likely to drop dead early-second term.
Are Some on the Left Realizing VT Climate Policy Is a Useless Waste?
A couple of left-wing columnists recently penned articles lamenting the fact that Montpelier keeps flooding every decade or so, yet local and state governments don’t do anything about it and aren’t prepared for it when it happens. A keen observation.
Let Health Insurance Be Insurance Again
In what has become an annual story with the predictability of the seasons, Vermonters are about to get whacked with a huge increase in their health insurance premiums.
Net Metering with Solar Panels: a Closer Look
For years, the state of Vermont has subsidized solar panels, especially through its vaunted net metering program, in which electricity customers pay increased electricity rates to support the installation of rooftop solar panel arrays. The panels collect energy from the sun to serve residences.
Want a Balanced Checkbook? Yes, It DOES Have to Be Republicans.
At the end of June, shortly after the Democrat supermajority overrode almost every veto Phil Scott issued, including that of the budget, in what seemed like less time than it takes to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks, a reporter asked the governor, “What are you going to do to get more Republicans in office?”
NY Unlikely to Save VT Climate Plan – (Empire Staters just as clueless about how to meet GHG goals)
Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) requires our state to meet some very stringent greenhouse gas reduction targets in 2025, 2030, and 2050. To be precise, 26% below 2005 levels by 2025, 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below by 2050.
Copeland-Hanzas’ and Her Party’s Climate Policy Sets Up More Disasters
Vermonters just witnessed the worst flooding since Irene in 2011, which was the worst flooding since the summer of 1998, which was the worst flooding since 1976, which was the worst flooding since 1938, which was the worst flooding since the most famous of all floods, the one in 1927.
Climate Change and Gravity Are Kind of Different
In the wake of the recent floods in Vermont, it is no surprise that the climate change activists have gone into “See! See! See!” mode and are labeling anyone who disagrees with their conclusions as a “denier.” In two separate op-eds, two state senators, Dick McCormack (D-Windsor) and Tanya Vyhovsky (D/P-Chittenden Central), tried to equate … Read more
VT State Rep Hosts Event Resulting in Multiple ODs and One Death
Every year State Representative Kirk White (D/P-Windsor-Addison) hosts the Firefly Arts Collective on his property in Bethel, VT. The festival is described as a New England version of Burning Man. Its website says, “This event operates under the 10 Principles of Burning Man: not to dictate of how people should be and act, but as a reflection of the community’s ethos and culture as it has organically developed.”
Biggest Flood Related Scam: The Global Warming Solutions Act
The headline in VT Digger read, “Officials issue warnings about flood-related scams,” and, “Natural disasters make people more vulnerable to scams.” Surely, they do, and Vermonters should indeed be on the lookout for those praying on people’s fears and emotions in the wake of the tragic flooding so many areas of our state are experiencing.
The Vermont Grok Page Is Live!
We are happy to announce that the VermontGrok page is up and operational. Our webmaster managed to squeeze it out, and while it has not been customized, we are adding content and backfilling relevant material on Vermont Politics published on ‘Grok.
Ben & Jerry’s Says, “Hold My Bud Light!”
Okay… So, by now you have probably heard that Ben & Jerry’s, in a “Hold my Bud Light” attempt to see who can alienate the most customers with one Tweet, kicked off July 4th with the statement, “It’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”
Who’s Responsible for Failing Schools? … Parents who Notice and Complain, says Columnist.
Bill Schubart, a regular columnist for VT Digger among his many hats, never ceases to amaze me with his writing. He always provides an intriguing, insightful menu of facts and discoveries followed by a totally incongruous, twistedly partisan conclusion that makes absolutely no sense.
Coming Soon: GraniteGrok in Vermont … Should We Call it VermontGrok? Green MountainGrok?
I’ve been pondering a foray into the Green Mountain State for a few years but was burdened by the same issues with other expansions. People promising to write about local stuff and it happening regularly are very different things. They mean well, but I get it.