This is an older article, reprinted here because it is even more relevant that in 2021. But also, when people “forecast” the future — whether meteorologists, fortune-tellers, stockbrokers, or lawyers drafting contracts, the proof is in the pudding: were they accurate?
Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality
President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for … Read more
It Is Un-Vaccinated ‘Immigrants’ Not Vaccine-Hesitant Americans
Urban pandemonium and rampant crime are transforming many American cities into seemingly third-world metropolises. Aggravating this roiling mayhem is a flagrant open-border policy that is flooding US cities with undocumented foreigners in street camps and homeless shelters.
Experts Say Bird Flu ”Jumps” To Animals The Elites Don’t Want Us to Eat …
Headlines proclaiming that bird flu in cows has impacted the milk supply—and that cows are then spreading the disease to laying hens—are disturbing contributions to the cacophony of looming doomsday threats to humanity. Americans already spooked by the government takeover of speech, travel, assembly, and bodily autonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably unnerved by … Read more
Inventing Human Rights To Erase Religious Freedom
I lack confidence that very many legislators will even read, let alone heed, this legal opinion as to why Proposal 4 is a complete waste of taxpayer resources, and so I am writing this opinion directly to Vermonters. This Proposal, which purports to expand existing constitutional rights to a list of novel protected classes, is not … Read more
The ‘Dome’ Winooski Built
It’s weird what you remember. I distinctly remember being at my friend Phil’s house in the late 70s (early 80s?) and seeing a copy of Yankee Magazine. The featured article was about a proposal to put a dome over Winooski, Vermont.
Identity Crisis at Middlebury
In 2021, Middlebury College in Vermont decided to rename a Christian chapel originally named after former Vermont Governor John Mead due to Mead’s historical advocacy for the eugenics movement.
Clean Heat Mess Gets Even Messier – We’re taxing the poor so that the rich can benefit.”
The last time we checked in on the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) as they come up with rule recommendations regarding the Clean Heat Standard (CHS) for the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), they couldn’t decide who should own a financially valuable Clean Heat Credit created by a Clean Heat Measure (installing a heat pump, weatherizing a … Read more
Night Cap: Food, Famine, Fear: Beware the Great Agricultural Reset
Americans awakening to the Orwellian Rule of Joe Biden and his crew of thieves have noticed that the perpetual lying is designed to inculcate pliancy through fear. When the COVID-19 hysteria began to wane, Big Brother Biden switched gears to the Ukraine crisis.
A Modest Proposal for the Homeless Hotel Debacle
It seems like we are enduring a constant kerfuffle over whether or not to extend the now-ended federally funded COVID-emergency “hotels for homeless” program with state tax dollars. Lots of them. Twenty million here, thirty million there….
ICYMI – Is Grooming Children for Gender Change (Behind Parents’ Backs) The Crime of the Century?
Over the last year, Vermont’s school board disputes have revealed the same pattern of a unilateral ideology dominating school boards and attacking anyone who dares differ with the cultish frenzy of agitation behind “woke” CRT and transgender activists who have infested government and public schools.
More Independent Schools and More Choice Are the Property Tax Solution
Vermont taxpayers are desperate for relief, especially in regard to funding public education. The only way to provide that relief is to return spending levels on Pre-K to 12th to something resembling normal pre-Covid levels.
If Biden’s EPA Really Cares about Pollution…
A proposed EPA rule mandating more stringent effluent limitations for nitrogen, and adding phosphorus for the first time, would impose high costs on approximately 850 of the nation’s meat and poultry processing (MPP) facilities. Some processors will be compelled to close due to prohibitive costs. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s vaunted PFAS reporting rules merely monitor ongoing water … Read more
Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century
Psychology is a “science” that studies human behavior but is itself morally bankrupt. That is, psychology is unable to scientifically define normality. It can’t. “Normal” depends on what the society (through “norms”) or the patient views as morally correct.
Democrat Supermajority Has No Interest in Solving the Property Tax Mess They Made
Democrats in the State House were parading around this week with a banner insisting, “If you make a mess, you clean it up!” Yeah! Big talk! They think this should apply to oil companies regarding climate change (another story I’ll get to soon), but apply that message to themselves regarding the colossal property tax tsunami of a mess they’ve made for us. Well, not so much.
G.E.T. R.E.A.L! T: Transportation Infrastructure (AKA Fix the Roads!)
G.E.T. R.E.A.L. is a solemn promise and a positive path forward for our state by Vermont Republicans focused on improving the quality of life of our people. It is a prescription of policy proposals, and this is the fourth in a series of essays explaining the program.
Gender Indoctrination in Vermont schools
“As a matter of law, young children cannot properly assess the risks of taking testosterone, let alone surgically mutilating their bodies and embracing infertility.”
Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality
President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat.
They Made an Environmental Law So Huge No One Knows How to “Lift It”
George Carlin used to tell jokes about his time in Catholic school and his smart-ass interactions with The Church, like asking a priest if God is so powerful that he can create a rock so large that he himself can’t lift it. A similar situation has arisen closer to Earth. Vermont close.
Vermont Tax Revolt Continues …
The 2024 Property Tax Revolt continues, with two more budgets going down to defeat last week. As reported in VDC, 30 school districts rejected budgets March 5. Since then, five of six revotes (known to VDC) failed.