Biden-Endorsing Union Leader takes Shots At Don Bolduc

 For a long time, the Union Leader has taken the side of the GOP Elitist wing of the Republican Party. A number of editorials have extolled the virtues of the “Moderate Republican” candidates. Many working-class voters have voted for these moderates, often times holding their noses while they full well knew the elitist political class was thumbing their noses at the Peasants.

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Maggie The Red Hassan

November Is Coming – Let’s Start Holding Them Accountable! Let’s Start with Maggie “The Red” Hassan

There is only one Party in charge in Washington DC and it ain’t the Republicans.  They’ve brought us higher prices, stagflation, higher Misery Index, soaring inflation – we can lay it all at the feet of our NH Based Democrats – or, at least I THINK that our Democrat-filled Federal Delegation is NH based. Mostly, … Read more

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