But not for long, we hope. Thursday at 2 pm is when we are migrating from our current server to one that is 3X more powerful as I remarked before.
Reminder – We’re Still Making Some Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes… (Growing Pains, Edition)
Last month I announced a few backend changes with an eye on improving page load speeds. We’re still doing that, and it’s working. We have also moved a few things and removed a few things.
Please Excuse Our Virtual Dust
If you find this site momentarily inaccessible, keep trying. We are in the process of dealing with some back-end changes to improve page-load speed. We’ve got a few ideas including changing features to the home page that may be dragging on page load time.
Granite Grok is ‘Getting a Little Work Done’
You may have heard the term “they’ve had a little work done.” It’s when some celebrity or public person has had a bit of plastic surgery. Tighten up this, adjust that. Well, at GraniteGrok, we’re having a little work done of our own.
Minor Website Tweaks and Fixes – “Hot on The Grok” Update
We added the Hot on the Grok feature so readers would immediately know what was attracting the most attention on the site, NOW! Until today, however, the settings were looking over too wide a range of dates, and the content was not refreshing the way we wanted. That has changed. Hot on the Grok will … Read more
Updated Hearing Times
Corrected Hearing Times for Thursday Feb 3rd