Marty Walsh is Biden’s nominee for labor secretary. He is dismissing concerns about job losses. It doesn’t bother him at all becasue he knows they are the results of the president’s executive actions and because he has a job?
President Obama’s War on the Rich
I was very pleased to read in Paul Bonneville’s letter of September 5 in the Laconia Daily Sun (and Sept 6 in The Citizen of Laconia) that he is doing better now than four years ago, so few people are doing better. He talks about the stock market “recovery”, of course that only helps if you have money and managed to invest in the right stocks. Perhaps Bonneville is in the 1%?
President Obama’s war on the rich is apparently working as reports are that higher wage incomes are down 15-20 %. Frankly, I don’t see how that helps me, it certainly doesn’t make it easier for me to pay my bills. And, I haven’t figured out why I should be happy that any American is less well off.
Is President Obama a “ruthless, uncaring S.O.B.”?
To the Editor: Henry Osmer objects to calling our President a “ruthless, uncaring s.o.b.”. I would not call him that, but I wonder about others. If my brother were a multi-millionaire but wouldn’t help me when I live in a hut on $20 per month, how caring might I consider my brother? If I had … Read more
Really Getting it Straight on Right to Work
To the Editor:
It is too bad that Rob Azevedo’s entertaining article in The Citizen on June 29th, “Getting it straight on Right to Work” misrepresents the proposed New Hampshire Right to Work law and vilifies the TEA Party people who support it.
Right to Work (RTW) is not about union busting, not about lowering wages, not about working hard, not about keeping people from forming or joining unions. RTW is about the same thing Americans fought the Revolutionary War for, Liberty.