I put this post up yesterday (“I really hope that Kelly Ayotte, BFF with John McCain, is not playing this game”) after seeing what Captain’s Quarters had posted about a possible end run around the US Senate rules as they stand right now – but it would lend itself to passing all kinds of mischief to Liberty and Freedom without the “Senate governor” known as the Filibuster. But there was more to that post along the lines of what a number of us are seeing around the blogosphere – that other folks are getting extremely uneasy about the ramifications of the Left driving the culture. Always pushing, pushing, pushing, and pushing in changing American life to new norms – to secular Progressive (and Socialist) values. In essence, the slippery slope is getting tilted more and more with buckets of glycerine thrown onto it.
Many Conservative folks (and lately, just ordinary non-political folks) are really starting to feel put upon by the constant din of “change your values – to what we say they should be” via the mainstream media, the culture makers of tv, movies, and music, and politics in loud, soft, and discrete ways and manners. However, it seems that the Progressives / gun-grabbers are switching gears and have now moved to going full out on what many see as inner core of American Freedom – wrapped in the ideas of the Right to self-defense, Citizen sovereignty and primacy over the State as people start examining and studying primary documents of our founding, and the proper role of Government……and feeling that Government, at the behest of Progressives, is far overstepping its bounds. It’s called the Second Amendment
Instead of the inanely stupid euphemisms of “gun control” or “gun violence” or “gun safety” or any other focus grouped “non-confrontation phrases”, many are seeing themselves sanctioned for gun removal and confiscation – and left defenseless not just before criminals but a tyrannical government (which, by this action, is starting to show itself to be exactly that). They feel they are being made into, not victims, but pariahs on the scale of sex offenders (except Progressives can forgive the latter and make excuses for them). If these potential gun grabber bills become law, gun owners see this as Government reaching into their homes and lives to punish them for actions they have not committed. In actuality, many on the Left have actively called for their deaths, to be thrown in jail, and to be marked for life simply for not wanting to give up things that are perfectly legal to own – to be treated as dangerous criminals.