Tree hugger tree hugging forest

Treehugger – Yep, I’m Unstacking Stuff. Treehugger Was against Stoves before They Were against Stoves.

I have to admit, again, that I do spend quite a bit of time over at Treehugger “mining” for fodder. Sometimes, too much time because then I can’t decide what to bring back here and there are a lot of times, on a lot of their posts, my comments go in all kinds of directions. 

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DISQUS Doodlings – They Have No Idea of the Consequences and Ramifications…

I had to go to Maine yesterday unexpectedly so I tried to jam in some posts in the very early morning. Got a few in and then hit the wall trying to figure out what I could do quickly (but meaningfully) and couldn’t find anything.

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Eat The Rich

DISQUS Doodlings – The eco-socialism mask drops from Treehugger

It’s where I go to see what the other side is doing and how they think. In this case, Lloyd (head writer, it seems) let it all out – his image on his post “Are the rich responsible for climate change?” is right above you.

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Internet Doodlings – Tree Hugger commenter Bussdriver87 wants a Peoples Government or something…

Well, I have been absent from Tree Hugger (the Greenie Communitarian with Fascist leanings site) for a while so I figured it was time to pay a visit.

SideNote: due to the Great Diaspora / Banning by TH of those willing to challenge their “Green Come First” religion, it has been OUR great benefit that “ e. doG” and “Cris P. Bacon” have become tremendous commenters here – again, thanks guys!

At “Should We All Be Working a Four Day Week“, an architect decided to put her firm on a “5 days work in 4 days” schedule.  Great!  If she’s the owner and wants to do that, she should have the Right to do so (as long as no laws are abrogated).  They also had a poll asking what folks thought  about a 4 day work week (e.g., yes, no, other).  I left the following for the original downer premise (emphasis mine):

We are working’ 5 days in 4’ week because how we live as individuals has consequences for everyone else. The way we live now has created many problems: scarcity of resources, scarcity of jobs, climate change, wealth discrepancies and many wasted lives. These are all escalating problems which are not being addressed by the institutions of power: Governments, Banks, the Multinationals have too many vested interests in the current system to be the agents of change.

for the architect:

Why should it be up to OTHER entities (“Governments, Banks, the Multinationals have too many vested interests in the current system to be the agents of change”) to make such a decision for YOUR company?

You made it for your’s – good for you. If employees like it they will stay; the converse if they do not. Push the decision making down to the lowest granular level – if you can make and win the argument, congratulations! To have those “Power Entities” make the decisions for others is summed up in one word: “tyranny”.

Blaming it on others or other entities is a cop out – especially when one has made the right decisions and done the hard work to be in a place where they are able to make such a decision.  I figure that some might not like the longer days but some might really like always having 3 day weekend but one didn’t (emphasis mine):

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