DISQUS Doodlings – The eco-socialism mask drops from Treehugger

by Skip

It’s where I go to see what the other side is doing and how they think. In this case, Lloyd (head writer, it seems) let it all out – his image on his post “Are the rich responsible for climate change?” is right above you.

Absolutely “Occupy Wall Street” variety slogan that’s been passed down through the decades. Every socialist lol/communist movement needs a scapegoat and these eco-socialists do what all socialists have done throughout history – it is ALWAYS the fault of the Rich and they are ALWAYS the “oppressors”. In this case, the “Rich” also commit the most heinous sin in the Environmentalist theology: wantonly creating more and more CO2 emissions without a care in the world:

The top 10 percent consumes 20 times more energy than the bottom 10 percent.

Commenters often complain that the root of our problem is overpopulation, and we keep responding with data from a 2015 Oxfam report that concluded that 10 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 50 percent of total lifestyle carbon emissions.

Now a new study confirms it, finding “extreme disparity in the use of energy among richer and poorer people – both within countries and between them.” Much of the inequality is due to transportation; researchers found that the top ten percent of consumers used 187 times as much vehicle fuel energy as the bottom ten percent, mostly on cars and holidays. According to the study’s lead author, Yannick Oswald, quoted in a University of Leeds press release,

 Transport-related consumption categories are among the least equal. Without reducing the energy demand of these services, either through frequent-flyer levies, promoting public transport and limiting private vehicle use, or alternative technology such as electric vehicles, the study suggests that as incomes and wealth improve, our fossil fuel consumption in transport will skyrocket.

And of course, the USA is also singled out simply because if you make $32,000 or more, you are the WORLD’S 1%-ers. Thus must NOT STAND and there’s the normal hysterical calls to “solve” the wealth inequities.  Yep, a complete abandonment of the Right to Private Property and right to the malevolent green eye of Envy – Class envy and Class warfare. So I called out this SJW of a professor:

“The worst thing for the urban enthusiasts is the idea that people in the suburbs, whose houses literally embody social distancing, might not get sick as much as people in the cities.”

So, attack the rich is really just a form of class envy or virtue signaling. “Eat the Rich”, Lloyd? Seriously? So what is YOUR remedy, Lloyd, for this implicit rant against those that have much more than you? Tax the heck out of them so as to share the misery of lesser wealth? Tolerance is some lesson here. Oh, you’ve wrapped up the socialist scream in the soft verbiage of environmentalism, but this post proves the monniker “watermelon environmentalism“.

And of course, that lit off a firestorm of comments. While the most of the commenters there are true believers, there are some Conservatives commenting there as well (more and more, so it seems). One made an effort to dispel the overriding “All rich people are guilty (except if they are Al Gore)”:

Vindaloo Bugaboo
Now if the rich don’t want to pay for non-fossil fuel energy sources then that is another matter.
Why is that the role of the rich? Why isn”t that everyone’s responsibility? Why are the poor seen as victims and the rich as exploiters?

It shouldn’t matter what your wealth is, you can make decisions based on what you earn and have. Pinning blame on the rich for not being ecologically-minded when there are so few of them compared to the poor who are large in number is missing the point. Do what speaks to your world view regardless of your income level.

Being that VB can’t understand why common sense and fairness doesn’t exist in this Church of Eco-Virtue Signaling, I tried to give him an very small insight:

Of course it is, VB – watermelon environmentalists. It is ALWAYS about class envy and warfare in one way or another. And with this post, Lloyd let the mask slip.

It is what Socialists do – it’s always about “fairness” but their definition of fairness is never the same as the rest of ours. It’s always used as a wedge against “inequality” and then the techniques are to make everyone equal – in the resulting sharing of misery. Sure, the kindergarten phrase of “sharing is caring” in the political sense is just another tool for grooming in moving the population from actual Freedom and to a dependency on Government and subservience as well.

So when you hear the enviros and the renewable pushers, it always ends up the same – you WILL live your lives the way we force you to.

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