Research Opportunity for Todd I. Selig?

Durham Town Administrator Todd I. Selig, according to this report, is in lock-down at Harvard.    He’s supposed to be there for an executive course in negotiations but perhaps this will afford him the opportunity to ‘research’ his next editorial? (see here, here, here, here, and/or here.) Remarking on his purpose for being at Harvard, and the lock-down,  Selig said… “Negotiation isn’t only asserting one’s … Read more

Where Todd I. Selig Admits to Some Heavy Lifting…But Not All.

Book of Bad Habiits-Cheating
Image credit –

Several of us writing here at GraniteGrok have taken to task Durham Town Administrator Todd I. Selig for both his position on the issue of raising the gas tax and how he went about showing his support for it.  Literally.  The letter he submitted to various publications around New Hampshire, explaining his support for the tax, included direct quotes from other sources–in some cases lifted in their entirety–without attribution.

In a recent comment to one of those posts Mr. Selig reiterates his position and admits the following.

In addition, I did quote heavily from TRIP in the paragraphs noted, in particular in the second to last paragraph without attribution. I view the TRIP overview of the deficiencies in NH roadways to be factual and accurate and fully consistent with my own understanding of the issue. The words used represent my perspective. I take full responsibility for them. Further, I did subsequently write to TRIP and the organization had no objection to the use of the material as utilized.


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Guest Post by e.doG – “But a Mere Point of View on Plagiarized Platitudes”

(Note: I often cross-post content on NH Insider.  I appears that Mr. Selig had comments there as well. found them, and here responds.)

But a Mere Point of View on Plagiarized Platitudes

Heeeeee’s back.  Some guys just don’t know when to shut up and crawl under a rock … thank Tod.  So, our dutiful town administrative hero, I. Toddius Selig, is plying his peculiar brand of apology over at NH Insider  for his gross acts of plagiarism in true Bill Clinton style: “I did not have sex with that source, not once … We just shared a special bond, ya, that’s it, a special bond involving me “lifting” huge amounts of text from their writings, ‘cuz we have one of those loving – those sharing – kinda relationships – group hugs!”  I guess ol’ Todd ain’t none too proud about whom he sleeps around with as he also kept the NH Municipal Association’s identity secret.  I guess they’re a real dog – perhaps coyote ugly?

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Todd I. Selig – Durham Town Administrator and….Plagiarist? [Update]

Our own Scott Morales, almost as a footnote, asks whether Durham gas tax supporter and Town Administrator Todd Selig plagiarized a chunk of his editorial posted at the blog and news site NH Insider on March 21 ,2013

Todd Selig – Opposing An Increase in the Road Toll is a Hard Road to Travel for NH Legislators

Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 07:47AM

The Importance of HB 617 to New Hampshire

by Todd I. Selig

The correct answer to Scott’s question is yes.  Take a look.

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Todd I. Selig – Economic Ignoramus or Just Deceptive?

Todd I. Selig

Porous condoms, bustiered moobed construction workers, medieval royal exclamations with a dash of Dorothy skipping rubies down the golden road all at the expense of some poor statist once-a-plebe trying to ply more cash from the pockets of his neighbors to meet his illusory expectation of what should be done and pretending to solve a problem?  Yes, I’m referring to the guest post by  He hit some poignant points in his illuminating, entertaining, and informative post.  I’d lavish more praise on the piece save for time because as any good piece I read does, it creates a mental itch that I need to scratch, so on with the nailed relief.

The audacity of’s subject, one lord Todd I. Selig, playing fast and loose with economics in hopes to bind the emerald curtain tightly taught so that no one is able to lift the drapes is invidious.  It’s especially so when one thinks that people might buy this bureaucratic sinecure’s incongruous tripe and agree with the deplorable gas tax increase.  However, the curtains are diaphanous and gauzy so one can easily see the image of his scarecrowed chicanery when backlit.

Let’s flame the candles and take a look at a few of the wobbly pillars that support his feeble argument.

In his blog post, he risibly purports to answer the question as to why the cost of gas is cheaper in Maine than in NH, and in doing so demonstrates either his callow understanding of economics or betrays his perfidy by implying that we must follow Maine’s lead. But he’s just clutching at straw men.

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