Tim Cummings Nashua Youtube screenshot

Director Cummings – A Right to Know Repeat Offender

I attended the Infrastructure Committee meeting on July 13, 2022 which featured Mr. Cummings as the guest presenter reviewing two bonded projects to redesign West Pearl Street and the Downtown Riverfront Project. The Riverfront Project was rushed through last December, a holiday shopping spree, with a board-approved $2O million bond. Mr. Cummings reviewed with the … Read more

Tim Cummings Nashua Youtube screenshot

More Big Projects in Nashua’s Future

I attended a Human Affairs committee meeting on July 11, 2022 as they reviewed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), relief funding that flowed out of the Pandemic. The City has about $16 million to spend. Unsurprisingly, the City is planning more studies and projects for Downtown Nashua. One of these studies, “enhancements” to Main Street and … Read more

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