With Test Scores Falling, Is Less School The Answer

Test scores in our public schools have been plummeting for years. The COVID Pandemic and remote learning definitely exacerbated the rate of decline. The number of students graduating from high school reading at the elementary school level is embarrassing but also harmful to the future of these students. We are failing our students and, therefore, … Read more

Fixing schools: Is money really the issue?

A phrase we heard a lot the other night at Andru Volinsky’s traveling show was ‘fix it’, as in: ‘Some states have fixed it’, ‘The legislature doesn’t have the political will to fix it’, and so on.

Which raises the question:  Does something actually need to be fixed?

This needs to be asked, because whenever there is a conversation about reducing spending on government schools, we hear this argument:  ‘New Hampshire’s schools are among the best in the nation’, the implication being that this is a result of our willingness to spend so much on them (about $15,300 per pupil, well above the national average of $11,800).

That doesn’t sound like something that needs to be fixed, does it? 

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