Anti-Hunting Sentiments Are Alive And Well In The Granite State

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” —Genesis 1:26 (NIV)

Yet another anti-hunting hit piece. The ever-dependable Concord Monitor features such fare. In writing for the Monitor, Barbara Bonsignore provides the straw argument, Hunters claim that they kill the weak and starving animals, thus helping the population.” I have never heard any hunter make that argument.  Ethical hunters are consumptive hunters and our hunting ethos recognizes game animals as a resource not to be wasted.

Bonsignore…well-connected to the New Hamsphire Animal Rights League, (one source indicates she was its’ President at one time) makes several fallacious arguments and claims against hunting.

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Animal Rights Whackos; Gotta Love Em’

“Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs.”  —P. J. O’Rourke Laughter…I mean, these people basically suck. Oh, how our technological and societal conventions have caused us to lose our way…To forget from whence we came…Hunters…gathers….I mean these people….really really suck., mostly because … Read more

Its An Obama Eat Dog World Out There

Its a ‘Eat dog’ world out there! Pass the sauce, Barry…” —Rick Olson, Granite Grok, just making stuff up for lack of a salient Quote.

So the brouhaha all started over some years ago when Mittens strapped his dog Seamus’ kennel to the top of the family people transporter for a 12-hour drive. Okay…on the face of it, it seems not only bizarre, but a little tough to take. But being a hunter who makes uses of hunting dogs, I fail to see where this gets political feet. Yeah the animal rights crybabies are having a tough time with it….after all, talking animal movies, dogs with sunglasses and other such stupid nonsense has relegated us to a culture where animals are personified. How many of those idiotic paintings have we seen of dogs playing poker?  But seriously? How is this different from the traditional Hunting dog boxes?

Typical Dog Box Hunting Dog Kennel

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