RINO Hunting…Targeting Six of the Biggest Incumbent RINO’s in the New Hampshire House

No More RINO's - RLCNH puts up the records they must run onThe RLCNH has some fact filled Internet nuggets for us to chew on, and they are all RINO flavored.

That’s right, once again the liberty Republicans have to come out and remind everyone else about the records of progressives who have been hiding under the trunk of the Republican Party for…in some cases…a very long time.

And there is a very consistent theme among them.  They are all endorsed by the SEIU.  They like more spending, more taxes, and less liberty.  They are the (r)epublicans that get support from public sector unions (with the addition of Firefighters, most of whom are Democrats planted in the GOP by the PFFNH and the NHDP).  And whenever anyone calls them out…Democrats run to their defense.

But there is a primary next week and all six of the candidates on this particular list is in a position to be sent packing if Real Republicans come out and vote for Real Republicans.

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Emerson’s Boo-Hoo Towel Bill Goes Down in Flames

HB 1533 - The Boo hoo Towel Bill - Goes down in flamesConsider it settled.  Debating at the grown-ups table, at least for the remainder of the 2012 session of the New Hampshire House, will not be misconstrued as “bullying.”  HB 1533, an Act to turn heated State House debate you disagree with into a crime punishable with up to a $2500.00 fine, was killed 224-78. (That’s right cry-babies, I said Killed!)

While the biggest goof with the Boo-Hoo Towel bill should have been Rep. Susan Emerson (:-( – Rindge) using the legislative process to get even after “somewun hurt her feewings,” there are two greater embarrassments that I believe must take precedence.

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Order Your Susan Emerson Commemorative Boo Hoo Towels Today!

The RINO from Rindge, House GOP 69 percenter Susan Emerson, has sponsored a bill to stop bullying in the State legislature.  No.  I am not. Kidding.

The Union Leader reports that HB 1533..

“….would allow the Attorney General’s Office to investigate allegations of bullying in the Legislature, rather than current rules that allow such allegations to be investigated by an ethics committee.”

The paper claims the bill has 97 Sponsors, while the bill as submitted has just a handful of support; moderates pretending to be Republicans, pining no doubt for the days when more people voted for their spineless ilk and they actually had some kind of voice in State government?   (Too harsh?)

This bill does not fix that problem, no bill could.  What it does do is create an atmosphere built on tension and self imposed censorship, where healthy debate and disagreement becomes almost impossible without fear of being branded a bully backed up by the threat of a $2500.00 fine (per incident) and the stigma of criminal proceedings.

Mom!  He’s Bullying me!

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The Three Amigo’s

In an email posted to the entire Republican caucus, team player Gene Chandler invited everyone to a luncheon to meet the Republican candidates for speaker of the House.  Gene announced that he would be there, along with John Reagan, Susan Emerson….and…..that’s it.

So three of the four candidates have arranged a lunch (those three seem to do everything together now) at 11:30 the day of the vote for speaker–which happens at 1pm–to do a meet and greet, and have purposefully excluded William O’Brien.

I wonder if the progressives are catering the event and filled out the invites?  The democrats would not have invited Bill O’Brien either.

I mean, wasn’t it Dean Barker at Boo Hoo Hampshire who said, if he had to have any of them, he’d prefer Gene?

Ringing endorsement from an ultra liberal democrat.

I say eat Gene’s free lunch and then vote for the guy who was not even invited to the event.  The one the democrats do not want to be speaker.  William O’Brien.

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Speaker Of The House

Photo Credit: Vote SmartGranite Grok has already endorsed Bill O’Brien for Speaker of the House, and you can see our video interview of Bill to get some idea of his priorities.  But since we happen to be here at the NHGOP convention we have the opportunity to find out what the other candidates for speaker deem as priorities for the next session.

I’ve grabbed some of their literature–everyone is in the convention at the moment–to get a taste of their priorities and one in particular caught my attention–and not in the most flattering way.  Susan Emerson’s hand out to the GOP delegates includes the following bullet points which I have taken to be so important to her in her quest to get the job that they have received this much prominence.

I would…like to continue establishing bipartisan relationships to work collectively on bills that will include the following.

-To provide equal opportunities for students.

-To provide access to adequate health care

-To create and promote tax relief incentives for businesses.

Given the wide range of damage done by liberals this is the best we can expect from Susan Emerson as Speaker of the House?  Given her otherwise impressive voting history, this is not impressive at all.

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