To Dems The Election is More Important Than the Supply Chain

The longshoremen all along the east coast, from Maine to Texas, went on strike this week, bringing the vital shipping ports to an abrupt stop. The 45,000 men who keep the goods Americans buy and those American manufacturers ship overseas are on strike. These men feel underappreciated and fearful of their jobs as the seaports … Read more

ammo steel casing Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

Ammo and Bananas: Dockworker Strike Expected to Create Shortages

Dockworkers at 36 ports along the eastern seaboard are walking off the job at midnight. The good news is that a majority of them hate Kamala Harris. The bad news is that if an intervention was required, she’d be the only one with President in their title (hers is vice, how ironic) to step in … Read more

Hollywood sign Photo by Vincentas Liskauskas on Unsplash

Hollywood Is On Strike. Who Cares

The Hollywood writers have been on strike since May, and nobody noticed. This week, the actors and actresses joined the writers; again, nobody noticed. The actors and actresses in Hollywood are the most narcissistic people on earth and survive from self-aggrandizing under the watchful eyes of most Liberals. Some of the more fortunate land million … Read more

We Stand in Solidarity

We Stand in Solidarity

Okay, this is clearly Marxist political posturing. The unions engaging in threatening strikes are doing several things. They are using members’ dues money for political action not related to the direct benefit of their membership.

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NBoE Ray Guarino - break law go on strike

Clarity – Teachers are Telling us They are Non-Essential but Extortionist in Nature

For those of us around at that time, what teacher’s unions are hinting at sounds like “PATCO” more and more. If you weren’t, that refers to the Federal air traffic controllers that tried to call then-President Reagan’s bluff. By law, they couldn’t strike; they did anyways. They lost – he fired them all.

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Democrat Party Staying alive IV

Yesterday’s J20 Strike for Black Lives – to Push Marxist Bucket List – More or Less a Dud

Americans (of color) have been hijacked. The far-left is using you to advance a political system based on economic slavery. It seems to me, given the tumultuous history surrounding that practice, that Black America would take offense and tell the Marxists to stop culturally appropriating their lives.

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It’s for the children

I’m sure Mr. Cohn misunderstood, Deerfield teachers are prohibited from ‘striking’:  

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