Assaulted conservative to union thug: Fight me.

A new “Andrew Breitbart activist” emerges….    

“Coquettish waif discussing electoral virginity” – the sequels are coming

That Steve – he certainly has his way with words, eh?  The video that Steve posted of Lena Dunham has received all kinds of attention today from the Right side of the blogosphere – and none of it positive.  Pretty much, it has made the faux Julia by the Obama campaign look tame by comparison.  For all of the sturm und drang by the Left about the War on Women by those of us on the Right, isn’t this much worse treatment?

Like many, when I first saw it, I was speechless – how much lower can these folks go?  Equating voting with sex?  Really?  I know that most would consider me to be a prude – no sex before marriage and only with your spouse.  So to listen to a young lady making double entendres in a loving voice towards Obama – and this is supposed to be Presidential?  Contrast that with George Bush who always wore a jacket and tie in honor of the Office.  Who really has the honor?

Obama saying that voting for him is like giving up one’s virginity? With him?  No, not all the words are there – but that is the intent, full on.

Hip, cool – and promiscuous with a married man.   I grew up before the “hook up” culture – I consider it part of the coarsening of the culture, an abandonment of most sense of morality, and a total lack of self-respect for oneself.  Really?  Sex for voting?  And this presents Obama….how?  And what about Michelle – his wife?  Will this go down as “I did not have sex with that woman” as part of his legacy?  The campaign set this table – and then invited everyone to have a seat.

Anyways, the parodies that you expected are now inbound (and frankly, Steve Crowder does a better than Lena at this…):

And this works well too(#ObamaAbstinence):

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