Amy Coney Barrett2

The New Litmus Test for Liberty: Individual Rights Persist in Spite of a State of Emergency

Individual rights are to Popular Sovereignty, as State’s rights are to Federalism; integral and unalienable! Our Federal form of government, a dual sovereignty style of governance, balances States’ rights and National authority in an institutional model that reflects the primordial political relationship between the minority (i.e. individual rights) and the majority (i.e. popular sovereignty).

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“The people of this State have the Sole and Exclusive Right of Governing Themselves”

What is the most honorific title in our Constitutional Republic? If you answered President or Governor, then you may have no understanding of why you are voting. Citizen is the highest title of honor in our Constitutional Republic, and your vote is an act of consent!

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Why ‘Borders’ Matter

The elites, the ruling class as Angelo Codevilla called them, lost when the peoples of the several states chose Mr. Trump to be their next President.

Their political machine which includes most of the media has been out to dislodge him ever since. Its more radical elements have ramped up the intimidation and violence.

This has heightened the average American’s awareness of a battle they entered when they stepped away from the failed institution of the expanding super-state to choose someone over which it had little to no power.

A man who ran for office promising to Make America Great Again. A President who believes not just in the sovereignty of the nation-state but that ours provides something you can find no place else on earth.

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