Kinda like the last few years – a few touches of cold early on, then rather mild, and then the gut punch:
Oh, and it looks like we will get to blame El Nino warming up the Pacific waters again for it:
Kinda like the last few years – a few touches of cold early on, then rather mild, and then the gut punch:
Oh, and it looks like we will get to blame El Nino warming up the Pacific waters again for it:
Green energy is not that green. In this segment we touch on the toxic mess behind renewable energy, the regulatory state, rent-seeking, crony capitalism, trade offs, wasted dollars, and the desire of planners to meddle regardless.
Yes, the enviros can complain that coal gets more of a subsidy than solar; true enough. Add the subsidies for the top 4 items vs the renewables? No contest – fossil fuels get $4.557 billion while renewables get $5.954 Billion. In the end, however, is what is the bang for the buck. It … Read more
Which Utopian dystopian Democrat dream-Scam is failing faster?
In Cah-Lee-Four-Knee-Ah the Workers paradise is collapsing at an ever increasing rate as the anchor of unsustainable public union contracts and pensions drag otherwise average, every-day, incompetently run, but barely sustainable left wing bureaucrapalities (bureaucratically strangled municipalities run by an endless string of administrators and political descendents of the Democrat bloodline) into bankruptcy.
In Obamaville, the chronically unemployed can look up from the gutters of Hopey-changey Way to watch the lights dim on an unending string of Solar Panel/Green Energy company failures as the DoE’s wasted-billions to prop up the Renewable Energy Utopia ding-bats like Jeanne Shaheen have oversight on, produce nothing but failure and rising debt service payments.
The missing link between these two is happily not missing. And you cant blame George Bush. These failures are both of products of Progressives, mostly Democrats, attempting to micromanage labor, its type, direction, output, and value.
The Solyndra Scam continues to develop and Hot Air has the dropon the latest document dump from the White House. That’s Ed Morrissey’s headline up there. And this is all just another political cover up courtesy of the Democrat party.
The Obama administration pressured Solyndra to keep quiet about impending layoffs until after the November 2010 election and we have this nifty little paper trail to prove it.