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Relativism Versus Reality: Ralph Peters and Endless War

Since 1968, when my essay “The Crisis of Our Times” appeared in the Congressional Record, I have written several books warning of the pernicious and subversive influence of the university-bred doctrine of moral and cultural relativism.

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It sounds like NH’s “Social Studies” is about to get “SJW watered down” again

Used to be called History and separately, civics. How did we get here from back then and how is American government supposed to be organized and run?  Basic issues and basic knowledgebases for any American citizen.  Sadly, our government schools seem to be a poor job of both – after all, ask a young adult the same question we require of LEGAL immigrants wishing to become naturalized Citizens and be prepared for a very dismal experience.  So when I saw this (emphasis mine, reformatted):

NH in process of revamping social studies curriculum

EXETER — The state of New Hampshire’s educational standards for social studies has not been updated since 2006 but with a review from the Department of Education underway, local school administrators and community leaders are beginning to line up to help shape its process.

I went “It’s really gonna get addressed!  Yay!”. Then I went back and reread that “community leaders” bit again. Sorry I did that….sigh….

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