HB 135: Legal Eagles Will Second Guess

“It’s hard to know exactly how people develop the characters they do. There could be people from humble beginnings that turn into jerks. Some characteristics are just part of that special soul of that human being.”   —David Maraniss 

Hundreds show up to voice their opposition to House Bill 135

House Bill 135 today in Concord. Ann M. Rice is the Deputy Attorney General for the State of New Hampshire. She appeared to testify for HB 135 in an effort to roll back the “stand your ground” provision passed by the last house.  Fine. whatever…it’s to be expected. Just another example of liberals thinking we the people are too stupid to exercise sound judgment.

So here we are…citizens jam-pack

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   “While Obama, the olive-branch poseur, has called for a restoration of ‘civility’ in Washington and liberal elites whine and whinny about the need for ‘no labels,’ class-warfare demagoguery has metastasized unchecked…”    Michelle Malkin 

Shrill. The word of this week. Instead of a movie theater or university campus, the Massacre was visited upon a grade school where children were utterly and defenselessly gunned down. Slaughtered. Literally overwhelmed by the power of a nut.

In the last forty years, the anti-gun debate arguments have remained the same. Totally unchanged. There exists no new or novel or compelling arguments. Only the zombie-like mantras, lies and confabulations from the anti-gun crowd, loudened only by the emotional crescendos of the willing dupes in the  liberal anti-gun lame stream media.

What has changed in the last forty years is gun ownership. More law-abiding citizens have taken to

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