Fox6 image Naval base Forida

Feds Say Pensacola Naval Base Shooter had Ties to al Qaida

In Early December of 2019, a Saudi trainee on a Florida Naval base killed three and injured eight before he was shot and killed. Several other Saudi’s were witnessed recording the attack. Lone wolf quickly evolved into a small conspiracy, and 21 Saudis were ejected from the country.

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Fox6 image Naval base Forida

Up to Seven Saudi’s Could Be Connected to Florida Naval Base Attack

Friday, a Saudi “trainee” opened fire on a Florida Naval Base, killing three and injuring eight. The attacker was shot dead during the attack, but were they a “lone wolf”?

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Pelham NH church shots fired

Wedding Attendees Helped Stop Pelham Shooter

This morning at a church in Pelham, the New England Pentecostal Ministries, a peaceful and joyous wedding turned into a nightmare when a man in a hoodie walked in and shot Bishop Choate, who was  officiating the day.  The Bishop is receiving treatment at Tuft’s Medical Center in Boston now, after being transported from from … Read more

New Zealand Shooter -cover- manifesto

Christchurch NZ Shooter: An Eco-Fascist Whose Political and Social Values Align With China

Steven Crowder has done what most in the media have not. Read the manifesto of a suspect in the shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. That manifesto is titled “The Great Replacement – Towards a New Society We March Ever Forward.”

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