Sequester Madness – And Guv Maggie is complaining about the Feds??

Like I showed here, Obama and Pack of Progressive Pukes have been all agog about the parade of horribles in what the impending DEVASTATING cuts are going do to us all…oh wait, it’s only $44 Billion this year and in the chart in the post shows how small this 2.4% cut really is.  Finally, the truth of this has been evident and and the pushback has started on this Obama created crisis.  Funny how he has been “called out” by the  House Republicans – they basically ignore him.  Obama is always a Community Organizer and has to have a cudgel in order to be effective.  Once again, he tried to make the Repubs “the enemy”, but when famed journalist Bob Woodward dropped the dime that it was the White House’s idea originally, the Repubs “went dark” and refused to play.  Tomorrow we start finding out how much Obama hates the Republicans by seeing how much pain he’s about to unleash on the public.  Will he tell non-essential bureaucrats at the EPA to go home or keep the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln from sailing to the Middle East?  Will he furlough Border agents or send non-essential Commerce employees home?

Growing up and later in the ring side seat as a local Budget Committee, I’ve heard (and been yelled at) the screams of Government workers “how DARE you cut my budget”!  “What do you MEAN I have to pay more for my own healthcare costs”?  “Do you know what 5% will do to my department”??    It is always: “why should I have to have my paycheck cut?” or “Don’t you see how crime will soar”?  or “You wouldn’t want it to be YOUR house that catches fire”?… get the idea.  It just seems that at any level of government, how DARE a sacred dollar be removed!

Of course, Guv Maggie has been crying in her cups as well about how the Federal monies are going to affect NH.  Isn’t she doing a similar thing on her own with her own budget?

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Smartest President Ever…Part….eh, I lost Count

White House can give a fresh 60 million dollars to support freedom fighters in Syria but……Screw those kids getting “kicked out of Head Start” by the Obama’s sequester. So how ironic is it that the Obama super PAC was called Priorities USA?  

Obama Says He’ll Make Sequester Cuts Really Hurt, But They Don’t Need To

How does anyone understand the real impact of the “sequester”?  Let’s consider what the “sequester” would mean to your family budget.

If President Obama were in charge of the “sequester” for your family budget, he might tell you that you will have to cut the following:  1 ½ meals a week, turn your thermostat down 5 degrees, cut your electricity use by 100 KwH/month, reduce driving 100 miles per week, and cut half the spending for other really important things in your life, e.g., medicine.  It sounds pretty scary!!!

You wouldn’t think it was so bad when you discovered that these cuts were all in President Obama’s greatly inflated budget for your family’s future spending.  In that budget President Obama planned that you would add two meals a week, raise your thermostat 6 degrees, increase electricity use by 150 KwH/month, increase driving by 130 miles per week, and triple spending on other important things in your life.

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Smartest President Ever…Part 3

King of executive orders, master of spending and debt, willing to by-pass congress if he has too….but no power to decide what spending increases get cut from his own Sequester bill.

Smartest President Ever…[updated]

Haven’t even cut a fraction of his massive 3.8 trillion dollar budget (cuts he passed into law)…only place to cut at DHS requires Barack Obama to let hundreds of criminals out of prison. What? Is this what DHS needed billions of rounds of ammunition for? [update] White House denies knowledge.  Theories that the release may … Read more

Smartest President Ever….part 2

Throws billions at high risk bankrupt green energy companies year after year….slight decrease in increased spending (sequester) will mean firing air traffic controllers, TSA,  first responders, public safety personnel, border patrol, crumbling infrastructure…

Even if it Causes Americans to Suffer, Defeating Republicans is Obama’s Priority

President Obama and the fawning mainstream media want you to think that the “sequester” and the harsh “sequester” cuts are being forced on him by others. These are deliberate falsehoods.

The “sequester” was President Obama’s idea to pretend concern, in anticipation of his re-election campaign, for our huge deficits by agreeing to future (small, less than 3%) spending cuts.

Are the drastic cuts that President Obama chooses to make today the ones he envisioned when he proposed the “sequester”? Or, when he promised to veto any attempt to avoid it ( If yes, then the “sequester” was a bad idea. If he envisioned less severe cuts, he should implement those cuts now.

Every businessman and family can handle a 3 percent budget cut without cutting essential services, why can’t President Obama? Just eliminating the $125 billion that Obama’s GAO says is WASTED annually exceeds the “sequester’s” savings. Or, Obama could reduce the $50 to $100 billion in annual Medicare and Medicaid fraud. He could cut less important services and rein in excessively expensive programs. President Obama refuses to do any of these.

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Why Isn’t Anyone Asking This Question?

Massa Obama gave a speech the other day in which he cried wolf over the sequester.  It’s twice as amusing because it was his sequester in the first place.  But now that the Republicans in congress are not falling into his evil trap he’s got to back off and blame them for letting him intimidate them into agreeing to his plan in the first place.

It all sounds rather ridiculousness, no less so than all the things Mr. Obama now says will collapse and suffer as a result of them letting his plan into action.

I don’t care if you believe any of it or not, that includes the Obama before or after, I’m wondering why people have not realized the only real and lasting solution to this problem?

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Notable Quote- Bob Woodward (And a helpful graph)

“It was the White House. It was Obama and Jack Lew and Rob Nabors who went to the Democratic Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, and said, ‘[the sequester] is the solution.’”  -Bob Woodward   Graph courtesy of Guy Benson  (Now go read the article)  

O Lights Another Exploding Cigar

The cunning charlatan-in-chief has once again outdone and outsmarted someone… himself.

Just last month, one of O’s schemes exploded in the faces of his voters as if they were attending an exploding cigar festival and he was the one doling out the stogies.  O promised not to raise taxes on families making under $250,000. Then, with his keen focus and acute brinksmanship, he solidified the “Bush tax cuts” for 99% percent of the people that pay income taxes (yeah, Boehner got snookered; keep telling yourself that) . That sounds good, right?  Well, wait. There’s more.  While he solidified those cuts, he simultaneously allowed taxes to go up on net to families that make under $250K, thus detonating yet another promise with the same sly agility as Wile E. Coyote.

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More on the dreaded Sequester Numbers – Department of Defense (aka-Big Obama screw-up)

Is this the equivalent of threatening local police, firemen, and teachers?

I showed the overall impact of what the Sequester will have on our current Federal budget here.  As you see, the answer is almost negligible.  Today on Fox was a snippet of Secretary of Defense Leon Pannetta testifying to Congress on what the Sequester will have on the Military:

Instead of being a first rate power in the world, we’d turn into a second rate power.  That would be the result of sequester.

And we have seen the first “results” of that with the news of delayed refueling of  the USS Abraham Lincoln with trickle down effects from there (including Pannetta threatening to cut Military pay). So, how drastic is THAT drastic?  Really, can you see it?

DoD Sequester

The actual numbers?

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The White House is out with its Sequester Doom & Gloom – but what does the chart really say?

Ah yes, Obama hoisted on his own petard.  How “smooth” is it for the White House to start hauling out these “the Sequester is going to hurt children and old people” stats, but fail to note “Oh yeah, our boss was the one that first suggested this with his last self-serving hissy fit on the last debt ceiling fight”:

  • Some 600,000 poor women and children will no longer get free milk and cheese
  • 2,100 fewer food inspections will take place if federal budget cuts expected to kick in March 1 actually take place.
  • federal agencies notified hundreds of thousands of federal workers that furloughs could be around the corner
  • 70,000 children would get kicked out of early childhood intervention programs that help poorer children catch up to middle-class peers, heading into kindergarten.
  • 1,000 fewer criminals would be prosecuted due to furloughed federal prosecutors.
  • 4 million fewer “Meals on Wheels” would be delivered to the elderly.
  • 1,000 fewer research grants would be awarded, cutting research and laboratories for some 12,000 scientists and students.

Oh, the horror of it all – this PROGRESSIVE policy of “try to trick the Republicans” – Obama set this up to take a hard toll on the Military, believing that the Republicans would cave before letting that happen.  Seems, however…

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