It is the Left that is the cause of all the chaos that we now find ourselves in. Their tool? Hate. Plain and simple. They hate that we can still choose for ourselves.
Articles tagged as
Self Government
What Is Great News for Normal People Is Bad News for the Media, and Leftist Politicians
The Bureau of Labor Statistics report for August says the U.S. economy is surging forward in strong recovery mode. September was more of the same. Sure 7.9% is not as pretty in comparison to the 3.5% rate in February. But that was before COVID-19 hit.
Notable Quote: Harvey Mansfield – On Goodness and Justice
“…goodness or justice in our country is not merely the transfer of resources to the poor and vulnerable. We have to take measures to teach the poor and vulnerable to become a little more independent and to prize independence, and not just live for a government check. That means self-government within each self, and where … Read more