Social and Emotional Learning Indoctrinating Students

School administrators are jumping on the SEL Social and Emotional Learning bandwagon. It may sound good, wanting to help children with their social and emotional needs, but what are children really learning? One SEL program used in Merrimack, and other schools, is called Second Step. I wont go in depth on the data mining that … Read more


WARNING From a Teacher to PARENTS about SEL/Second Step

Resignation Letter from Mr. Sam Crowley Beloved Music Teacher at Draper Park Middle School for being required to teach the Social Emotional Learning program “Second Step” (shared with permission). Also check out this video on SEL.  

What are they advocating for? ILLITERACY. Make no mistake about it. Your child doesn’t need a teacher anymore, they can look up the academic content on the internet. They go to school so that THEY can mold your child’s attitudes, values and beliefs. 

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