Dumbing Down Your Child Through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Teachers have always been the emotional support for children in school, and they provide the opportunity to learn social skills too. So what’s changed? Why are schools so focused on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?

SEL is a way to data-mine mental health information on your children. Teachers, who are not educated or trained in the field of mental health, must now subjectively grade children on their behaviors, attitudes and values.

The Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) sets the standards for the SEL programs, and rates them by their compliance.  Transformative SEL teaches social and emotional learning through a racial and equity lens. This means pushing Marxism based on the tenets of Critical Race Theory, while promoting the belief that the United States is systemically racist. SEL Programs like Second Step, focus on teaching children to be social justice activists for racial, gender and sexual political agendas.

SEL, as promoted by CASEL executives, means your child will no longer need to learn the academic content. Why provide them with knowledge on important historical moments when they can just access that information on the internet?  You should recognize that this is a way to dumb down the public schools, and excuse away illiteracy. It is shocking that the biggest organization influencing the classroom today, is perfectly ok with contributing to illiteracy problems.
Watch for yourself:

This is about raising children with values that CASEL determines are good for your children. They don’t prioritize academic excellence in public education. They want the WHOLE CHILD.

Why are schools succumbing to this kind of dumbing down? You can go back to the Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA, which replaced No Child Left Behind NCLB. Federal funds distributed through Title I, require states to report back to the federal government on non-academic/subjective factors like the social and emotional health of their students. The data must be taught through CASEL-approved curricula, and graded through dashboards from places like Panorama Education. Panorama Education was co-founded by U.S. AG Merrick Garland’s Son-In-Law, and became a national issue when the Garland tried to weaponize the FBI against parents showing up at school board meeting to object.

From Forbes:

Last week, AG Garland sent a memo to the head of the FBI, directing him to work with local law enforcement “to address threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff.”

Critics say that Garland made the move in response to parents vocally opposing mask mandates and race-related teaching implemented by local school boards.

Nevertheless, the move by Garland to have the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings quickly put his son-in-law’s nationwide education business in the spotlight.

Garland’s son-in-law is Xan Tanner, co-founder, board member, and president (2012-2020) of Panorama Education. Panorama Education sells surveys to school districts across the country that focus on the local “social and emotion climate.” These surveys are then used as justification for new curriculum from other providers that some parents call critical race theory and find objectionable.

SEL  teaches, assesses, and collects data on your children, then reports back to the federal government. When they are grading, and collecting data, that is a red flag to parents to steer clear of SEL.

The globalists will then push “equity,” which means equal outcomes not equal opportunities.

UNESCO pushes SEL to create global citizens so children will adopts their worldview. Hence that’s why they need the WHOLE CHILD.  Their world view advocates for the redistribution of wealth and power through Marxist-based identity politics. Public schools now promote equity as part of their globalist agenda to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDG)

UNESCO uses different methods to achieve this equity utopia. Their Education 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 4 in  Global Citizenship Education spells out their purpose of education, which is that all learners are to be trained as “global citizens.” The goal this indoctrination into Global Citizenship Education is to get children indoctrinated on subjects such as;

1) Valuing socialism over capitalism
2) Collectivism over individualism
3) Accepting that gender is fluid
4) That children deserve sexual rights
5) The climate issue should be solved by shifting energy resources.
6) Create political activists in the areas of social and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and environmentalism.

This isn’t an education, it’s an indoctrination.

If you want your child to grow up to fight in the streets to undermine the founding principles of freedom and liberty, the public schools may be the avenue for your child.

If you want your child to grow up to become a doctor, lawyer, plumber or any other vocation they choose, then you will want to look for a school that focuses on quality academic content. You will want to search for a classical education which is focused on educating the child so that they are literate, and can transition into any field they choose.

The social justice warriors are out there trying to recruit illiterate, dumbed-down soldiers to carry on their work. You can see that they sell this poorly crafted product with marketing gimmicks– don’t be fooled. Keep fighting for quality public schools because you are paying for this. The future of this country depends on graduates who are literate in the liberal arts.



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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