NH State Rep Liz McConnell – thou doth protest too much

Congratulations – you have brought both us and the Streisand Effect upon yourself (and we’ll start looking into Eric Turer as well).  Yes, we may well end up “raising your profile” but doubtful in the way you think you might want. So, let’s circle back on your latest votes, shall we?  And JUST because you … Read more


How did NH House of Representatives vote by Party lately?

How your State Reps voted May 8: SB193, banning flame retardants for alleged health reasons but allowing those “unhealthy” products in schools or hospitals. Passed. 100% of Democrats voted to Pass. 93% of Republicans voted to Kill. SB205, allowing unelected bureaucrats to raise a hidden tax on electricity without legislative approval. Passed. 99% of Democrats … Read more

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