Lest we forget…

  238 years ago tonight at midnight, Paul Revere mounted a horse and took off to Lexington to warn Sam Adams and John Hancock that they were about to be arrested by British troops.  At dawn the next morning (19 April) the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War began within the towns of … Read more

Notable Quote – Samuel Adams

“The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams, Founding Father

Talk About Having No Idea What A Conservative Is… (Updated Again & Bumped)

John B. Heroux is reported to be a resident of Bedford, New Hampshire, and a chronic contributor to the Union Leader Editorial page (if Google can be trusted), but he has absolutely no idea what a conservative is.  In his recent “Your Turn” contribution to the public discourse (Union Leader) he starts with this:

The first order of business should be to take the party back from the conservatives. Republicans are the minority party, and the party’s success depends on appealing to independent voters and conservative Democrats. The radical Tea Party and the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter faction do not appeal to these voters.

That’s all well and good as opinion–to which he is of course entitled–except that as he proceeds to storm his way down the laundry list of “consevatives” he blames for all that seems to ail him, he fails to name anyone who has actually behaved like a Conservative.

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