Trump hugging American flag FI

Trump Is Defending Our Republic!

Last week’s local Windham paper, the Windham Independent, included a letter that was critical of President Trump’s desire to expose the massive corruption that took place in the November General Election. It was titled “Trump Undermining Our Democracy”, and blindly stated; “Trump and his fanatical lockstep followers accused election officials in only states he lost … Read more

Electoral College

ON TO ARIZONA! – Trump’s Legal Team to Present Evidence to AZ Legislature Monday!

Trump’s legal team successfully met with the Pennsylvania legislature this past Wednesday at a hearing to investigate massive election fraud.  Trump’s Senior Legal Advisors Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis were there on behalf of the President to present their evidence.

It had a profound impact on the legislators, who filed a resolution yesterday disputing the Statewide 2020 Election Results

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Rudy Giuliani on Hannity

Rudy Giuliani Tells Hannity Why Mueller Should Be Investigated

Two years of slam-dunk investigating by a crack-team of radical left-wing Trump haters has produced nothing. The Special Counsel has successfully framed a handful of folks over process crimes, none of it related to the investigation for which he was appointed. It’s not a total waste. The Mueller team has managed to prove FBI collusion in … Read more

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