The Secret to Sustainable One-World Government is …Local Control?

The UN’s Sustainable (everything) Initiatives are several of many globalist one-world-government efforts. Like Climate change, they exist to redistribute wealth (and power) created by evil capitalism while poisoning it’s well. Think Regional Planning Commissions (RPC’s) who are local but think global. They pretend the priorities are yours, but they are actually regional governors imposing global ruling class … Read more

Are You Sure You Are Not Just a “Drug Mule” for the RPC’s Agenda?

Supports of SB11, and perhaps even the folks who are lining up to claim the bill will probably do no harm, should understand that the coincidences between what SB 11 says it wants to allow (and what it cannot clearly prohibit) and that which the Regional Planning Boards seek to implement after or through appropriate legislative action…are … Read more

When It Rains it Pours


As an after-thought to my post on SB 11 yesterday–which has stirred up some interest around the Grokosphere and well beyond–I went looking for some details about the environmentalist/regionalist motivations with regard to water and sewer.   It is a huge subject many parts of which we’ve touched on at the Grok already; you might say the socialist/central planner/ enviro-crowd is all-in on controlling water as the next best means to controlling us; so I’ll focus on the one thing that caught my eye while surfing (ha!) for details on the latest progressive New Hampshire-bureaucratic water grab.

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