RLCNH Report for March 28, 2012

      The RLCNH Report       March 28, 2012 On every day, in every way,  the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire keeps politically aware! individuals—and everyone else, too—on top of what’s happening with the state legislature in Concord. Read the latest issue HERE.

The latest RLCNH Report shows great legislative strides within reach in Concord


The latest RLCNH Report is out. It shows that New Hampshire is in many ways leading the entire United States in rejecting the “Blue State” European-socialist model. Just look at some of the issues being voted upon by the State House of Representatives this week, starting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) in regular session:

  • A bill to enforce Article 2(a) of the New Hampshire State Constitution, allowing any lawful citizen to carry a sidearm either concealed or openly “wherever they have the right to be, with or without a license., a right protected in the U.S. and N.H. Constitutions.” (Statists hate and fear the inalienable right to self-defense. They don’t think normal citizens are capable or “authorized” to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.)
  • A bill to help break the stranglehold that public employee union monopolies have created, because “public sector unionization has become unsustainable to the point that many public sector employees now make more in pay and benefits than their private-sector counterparts. (Union monopolies should not exist in government employment. That’s simple, straightforward, and true.)
  • More!

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RLCNH Report: Action needed on pension reform

RLCNH Report for the week is available. Lots going on—continuing Obamacare fight, stopping location tracking without consent, requiring police accountability, decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana—but the most important bill this week is pension reform. ACTION ALERT! Fix New Hampshire’s Pension System SB 229 is the pension reform bill that we’ve all been waiting for, because after … Read more

A New Year for the RLCNH Report

Hot off the presses, it is the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire’s 2012 inaugural RLCNH Report. It’s a big one this time—here’s a quick overview of all the bills covered:

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