The latest RLCNH Report shows great legislative strides within reach in Concord


The latest RLCNH Report is out. It shows that New Hampshire is in many ways leading the entire United States in rejecting the “Blue State” European-socialist model. Just look at some of the issues being voted upon by the State House of Representatives this week, starting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) in regular session:

  • A bill to enforce Article 2(a) of the New Hampshire State Constitution, allowing any lawful citizen to carry a sidearm either concealed or openly “wherever they have the right to be, with or without a license., a right protected in the U.S. and N.H. Constitutions.” (Statists hate and fear the inalienable right to self-defense. They don’t think normal citizens are capable or “authorized” to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.)
  • A bill to help break the stranglehold that public employee union monopolies have created, because “public sector unionization has become unsustainable to the point that many public sector employees now make more in pay and benefits than their private-sector counterparts. (Union monopolies should not exist in government employment. That’s simple, straightforward, and true.)
  • More!

  • A bill to repeal a state-run medical care cartel (also known as socialized medicine), which in 1985 created a “certificate of need board,” a scheme designed to squash competition in medicine in New Hampshire. It worked…which is why we need to get rid of it. (Government should not kill competition and service by grabbing control over any industry, including conniving through “boards” and other schemes.)
  • A bill to end forced unionization: “No one should ever be forced to pay a third-party private organization money just…to make a living and feed their families.” In other words, “a union should face the same market forces as any other organization,” and sink or swim based upon how much it benefits its members, not on whether it has a monopoly. (Those who support forced unionization are simply trying to maintain labor monopolies, and we all know that monopolies are harmful, no matter where they show up.)
  • A bill to break up the state power-line construction monopoly, which would mean better service for anyone seeking to get power to their homes, and at lower cost. (Government should never grab an industry and make competition with itself illegal.)
  • A bill to put a state constitutional amendment before the people that would restore local control of education and take it away from the three-man state Supreme Court which made its own power-grab with the infamous “Claremont decisions.”

There’s plenty more. Read the current RLCNH Report in its entirety HERE. Find out what’s happening in the next few days in the state legislature in Concord!

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