RightOnline Blogger Roundup 7-17-2012

An official RightOnline BloggerThere were 200 plus bloggers at RightOnline 2012 and I’ve got links to the websites of at least 40 of them.  So I’d like to take some time (as often as I can) to visit them in groups and post whatever they’ve got at the top of the page.  No promises on how often, but I’m optimistic out of the gate.

My thinking is that these folks are more attuned to what is happening in their respective states than most, and they’ll have news and inside stories we’ll never get to see any other way.  And these folks are outstanding and dedicated.  That is certainly worth our attention.

In no particualr Order…

From Sunshine State Sarah

Locked in a tough GOP primary against U.S. Rep. John Mica for an Orlando-area congressional seat, Adams picked up a big-time endorsement that should help her tea party appeal. Sarah Palin gave her first U.S. House endorsement of the year

More on the jump

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RightOnline Bloggers – Write On-Line About Independence Day

RightOnline Bloggers share their Independence day postsThe bloggers of RightOnline 2012–sounds like a bad idea for a calendar–took to the internet yesterday to share some thoughts on the 236th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence.   And some of those shared  posts with each other.  I thought it would be helpful to compile a few here at GraniteGrok.

Where there was more than on post offered I selected a single article to feature here. This does not necessarily mean it was the best of the lot so I encourage you to browse for these and other excellent observations when you visit.  And feel free to add any or all of these folks to your on-line reading list.

Here are their thoughts or observations in particualr order.

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RightOnline 2012 – Breitbart is Here

Breitbart is Here - From RightOnline 2012Plenty of things happened at the RightOnline conference in Las Vegas last weekend but not one of them occurred without the understanding that there was something we all had to do.  Something more important than anything we had done previously.  Wherever we were as bloggers or new media journalists we had to step up our game.

Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to give us a rhetorical kick in the backside or more importantly to simply lead by doing.   Breitbart would no longer be strolling amidst union protesters or walking into NetRoots to challenge the left or their ideas to their faces.   Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to challenge us to do those things.  Or was he?

In reality, Breitbart was everywhere at RightOline, telling us to get off our asses and expose the left for what they are, not just yesterday, or today, but tomorrow and every day after that.  Imploring us to get out of our comfort zones and challenge everything.  Reminding us that all we had to do was show up and they would expose themselves.

It reminded me of the moment when I decided that I was done with my years of lurking on blogs and posting or commenting anonymously.

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RightOnline Reloaded

I’m still getting my bearings but here’s a picture of the New Hampshire contingent at RightOnline.  The State was well represented.

Right On Line 2012: Bill Whittle!

RightOnLine 2012 was a phenomenal conference! Held at the Venetian in Las Vegas the recurring theme could never be so powerfully underscored as Bill Whittle has done in his February Video entry, “Why We Suck” Bill Whittle is not only a solid articulate commentator. In “real life” he is a really great guy! I was … Read more

RightOnline 2012 Loaded

The first day at RightOnline has been great.  I was able to connect with Groksters Rick Olson, and Don Ewing, and I saw Tim Condon twice, though I’m not positive he’s actually here.  (There are enough folks here that I could easily miss him all weekend.)  And Jeff Chidester is around here somewhere. Last night … Read more

RightOnline 2012

Tim, Mike, Rick, and Steve (yes, me) will be heading out to RightOnline in Vegas in just a few weeks.  Here’s a little primer–clips from 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wL5kOxMdh74 Note from Skip: I had been expecting to go as well but I was told by my boss that I should be going to San Diego for a … Read more

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