The story is from 2014, but it deserves repeating. Biden was not just handsy, sniffy, creepy Joe Biden. He was also perverted, parading around and swimming nude in front of female Secret Service agents creepy.
The story is from 2014, but it deserves repeating. Biden was not just handsy, sniffy, creepy Joe Biden. He was also perverted, parading around and swimming nude in front of female Secret Service agents creepy.
Manchester Ward 5 Democrat House Rep Richard Komi has resigned after a tweet suggesting Tara Reade would have to have helped Joe Biden Sexually assault her based on her allegations.
The media avoided the story for as long as it could. Yes, the Tara Reade “rape allegation.” The classic comparison is to the Kavanaugh witch trials. And that’s a fair bit of hypocrisy from Democrats who are avoiding this like the COVID Plague. But my first take was a bit different.