Winter is Coming

winter is coming Game of ThronesAnyone who is a fan of  Game of Thrones will see the myriad meanings in that title, to both the story and to real life.

As for the thing itself, if you have not yet seen the HBO version of Game of  Thrones I highly recommend it.  The entire first season is available on DVD, which is how I came to view it.  Thanks to Barnes and Nobel, and a few gift cards and discounts, I managed to snag it for less than the cost of a month of HBO.  (My monthly food and gas bill have practically doubled while my income has stagnated so I’m doing the best I can with the circumstances I’ve been stuck with–I must choose my entertainments wisely and this came highly recommended.)

I cannot yet remark on how well the HBO version hews to the book–I’m reading the books now and 100 pages in (it’s 790 pages long) so far so good.

Don’t worry, no spoilers…

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Stieg Larsson Is A Dead Marxist

IImage Credit: Shelfari had occasion to spend an above average amount of time in the "reading room" over the weekend.  No need to go into specifics but perhaps the words Whole Bowel Cleanse, give you some idea of what I mean.

While so positioned, I managed to cram all 590 pages of Stieg Larsson’s book ‘The girl with the dragon tattoo‘ into my reading diet and let me say this; if you can get past the first 190 pages the next 400 are worth the time.  I enjoyed the bulk of the book immensely, despite the fact that I was trapped in "the reading room" and that it was written by a now dead Marxist. 

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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part I

My children have been raised on Harry Potter. So it is a foregone conclusion that we were going to see it though to the end. And it is not disappointing.
While I cannot comment on how well the movie hews to the book (so far)–we read it so long ago it seems–my oldest son claims they changed a few things, though nothing terribly important seems to have been lost.

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