
Promoted from the Comments from “What Kind of Re-education Shall be Proposed for the NH Democrats?”

While there were a number of suggestions if we had to spitball one (from Le Pew’s post on the topic of New Hamsphire legislators’ re-education), this would be the pick as it goes multi-dimensional.

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Shariah versus the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Basic Tenets of Islam’s Five Pillars

The basic tenets of Islam’s five Pillars are not arbitrary religious rights individually collected by Islamic tradition. Believers accept that they are a perfect. Believers accept they are holistic interlocking of spiritual practices divinely designed to engage human beings; in all that they are, all that they should be and can once again be. Sort … Read more

Lead on McDuff

There has been a recent surge in the number of Democrats who support impeachment. Sure Trump can be a boor and a lout. Yes, his job performance may be politically objectionable. Predetermination may be the appropriate description of the impeachment effort. The appearance is that of a kangaroo court for an expressly political act. However, … Read more

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