Protect Fairness for Females

Should men be allowed to compete in women’s sports? House Ed Committee says “Yes!”

We were at the NH Legislative Office Building on Tuesday, February 25 to represent the sane perspective that men should not be allowed to play in women’s public school sports.

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Tamara Meyer Le

Unwilling to Appropriately Discipline Party Member

Democrat House Speaker Stephen Shurtleff lacked the spine to removed Rep. Tamara Le from the House Education Committee  – in response to North Hampton Rep. Tamara Le’s Facebook post. That is what should have happened. He knows it. She knows it. We know it.

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Tamara Meyer Le

ICYMI: “F— Private and Religious Schools” – Rep. Tamara Le (D-North Hampton)

Democrat Representative Tamara Meyer Le (Rockingham-31, North Hampton) went on a tirade against private and religious schools, claiming “f— private and religious schools.”

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