MAGA Hat As Free Speech

White, MAGA Hat Wearing Trump Supporters Deserve an Apology

Not one reporter I heard asked nor did the Chicago police chief add it to his list of things Jussie should do to atone for his deeds. What about, while Jussie is apologizing to the fine City of Chicago and the Chicago Police Department and being made to pay back the city for all the … Read more

Some observations on affirmative action…

Affirmative action vs color-blindnessOnce again during this Presidential season, we see the three main weapons of Progressivism on display: gender, class, and race.  Take those three away, and they don’t have much, do they?  Anyways, the last of those three is under attack in the Supreme Court as the University of Texas use of affirmative action in admissions and whether it still fulfills a “compelling” reason for the State to force “color-blindness” or continue skin color discrimination.  That is the question – in the quest for a color-blind nation, at what time do we really start to do as we preach?  In my lifetime (and the grey hairs are becoming more prevalent such that they are the majority color now), much wrong has been seen, many many of those wrongs have been righted, and attitudes have been changed for the better.  Yes, there is still more to be done, but I ask, in a tangental fashion: other than the usual race baiting suspects (e.g., the Al Sharptons and David Dukes of the world), are we close to closing down affirmative action?  Or are we doomed forever to have the spector of race overhang much of society (e.g., when does color-blindness actually disappear – when those that  profit from race-baiting can no longer do so?)?  When do we really go more than skin-deep?

Anyways, here are some thoughts from Roger Clegg at The Corner (reformated) listing why affirmative action (with around 60 years of having affirmative action):

How, then, can they possibly be “compelling” (which is what the law requires them to be), especially when they must be weighed against the many and undeniable costs of racial discrimination:

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Making Racists As Needed

MSDNC talking head Toure (Toure’ Too-Rah!) is  a race pimp, or at the very least a race-baiter.    If there was any room for debate about that, he has recently removed all doubt.

Waxing leftist-philosophic on the Aurora Massacre

I would hope that it would be something like a Trayvon Martin situation that would make people think, ‘Wow. wrongful death, even though it’s a legal gun owner. How do we move forward from this situation?’ But so much of this issue, I think comes down to, ‘Let’s make sure law abiding white people are able to have access to guns and make sure that black criminals are not and that becomes part of the locus of the problem.

How about, let us make sure law abiding people have access to guns and criminals do not?  The law protects the rights of self defense for everyone, not that Toure’ would care.  He is too busy in this instance making racist hay and being racist himself, all at the same time.

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The House Passed It, Now Look At What’s In It

I Brought Hash-Brownies for LaterI hope Rath Young Pignatelli, Shaheen and Gordon, and all the other leftward Lawyerly types are prepared for a shot of mandatory diversity.  Those democrat congressmen from New Hampshire they like to donate to—so the government can make more law for lawyers to lawyer over—just passed more than a financial regulations bill when they voted for the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill.  They passed mandatory race and gender diversity requirements for everyone who touches anything near the financial industry.


Buried deep inside the forest clearing pages lay provisions mandating that all financial institutions, investment banking firms, mortgage banking firms, asset management firms, brokers, dealers, financial services entities, underwriters, accountants, investment consultants and providers of legal services (for any and all of the above) who have or do business with the federal government or for firms doing business with the federal government on government business, must meet race and gender employment ratios.

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