Quotes worthy of note: The spiritual dimension of life…

“I am a man, but not only a man. Sentiment is not sentimentality, common sense is not common ignorance, and intuition is not superstition. Living with a recognition of the spiritual dimension of the world not only ensures a happier life but also a more honest intellectual life than if we allow no room for … Read more

RNC 2012 Notable Quotables…

Here are some notable quotes from the 2012 RNC.  I’m sure I missed some…

“… Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party” — Clint Eastwood

“My dad was a bartender….You see, he stood behind the bar all those years so that one day I could stand  behind a podium…” – Sen. Marco Rubio

“…instead of moving oceans and healing planets, let’s get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future.” — 2008 Obama campaign co-chair Artur Davis

“College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life.” — VP Nominee Paul Ryan

“You see, Mr.President, real leaders do not follow polls.  Real leaders change polls.” — Gov. Chris Christie

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If You Are Not Following Me On Twitter….

Twitter inspires the opportunity to aggravate the leftists who insist on following conservatives there. Not every witticism will fit on Twitter. Sometimes you have to write a blog and post a link. And then there are the thoughts that are too short to blog and too long to tweet. (Some things can’t be said in under 140 characters.)

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