forcible medication

Forcible Medication of Suspected Illness

Would you find it troubling if your state legislature were considering a bill allowing government officials to “detain or remove” individuals they deem a risk to public health? Is this a problem? How is that different from forced sterilization? Is it different from organ harvesting? Or maybe it is those things.

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House Bill 114: A Study in Contrast

What is House Bill 114 House bill 114 is a measure prohibiting the state from entering into or enforcing agreements concerning sales tax collection with other states. It is a response to the Wayfair decision which came down from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) last June. The measure was sponsored by Republican … Read more

Approaching Big Tech With Antitrust

Phase I: The Historical Perspective, What is Antitrust? Broadly, the economic view is that competitive behavior should be defined as economic efficiency. Economic efficiency implies an economic state in which every resource is optimally allocated to serve each individual or entity in the best way while minimizing waste and inefficiency. Roughly speaking, it is a … Read more

The Manhunt Evolves at Least One on Guns


Growing up, Paula was afraid of guns and never wanted one in her home.

She recounts when an abstract belief reified itself; when the safety projected by modernity dissipated and revealed itself to be illusory.

Protection was always one phone call away, she didn’t expect that to change.

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Political Elites say, “Protect us and our families”, but Not the “Common Folk”

What do American Presidents and Vice-Presidents, their wives and children, foreign Heads of State, many Governors, big city Mayors, large Company CEOs, prominent directors, actors, singers, and other entertainers, and the children of many wealthy people in Washington, DC, and other wealthy “elites” have in common?

They carry guns or have armed guards to keep them from becoming victims of criminals, even when they are in countries, states and cities with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world.

Almost all these elites who are also Democrats have something else in common; they don’t want you to have a gun with which to defend yourself, your family, or other law abiding Americans.

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